In Australia, there are lots of dangerous animals. Some are almost invisible!!!. They use something called camouflage to sneak up on their prey before killing them. Humans are afraid of these dangerous animals because of the threat they pose to humans. Some are found in your own home!!!! Dangerous Australian Animals
This creepy critter is fast and agile. They are also known for packing a powerful punch. Centipedes use their arms to kill pray and to defend themselves. They inject small amounts of highly toxic venoms, which sting for more than a week. No deaths have been recorded in Australia but other species of centipedes overseas have been known to cause renal failure and be fatal to children and the elderly. Papua New Guinea, Brazil, Turkey and other less developed countries have reported numerous mortalities from centipede stings. Giant Centipede
The Tiger Snake is found in New South Wales. Tiger snakes are responsible for the second-highest number of bites in Australia, as they inhabit highly populated areas along the east coast, including some metropolitan areas of Melbourne. They are attracted to farms and outer suburban houses, where they hunt mice nocturnally and can easily be trodden on by unsuspecting victims in the darkness. Bites are fatal if untreated, causing pain in the feet and neck, tingling, numbness and sweating, followed by breathing difficulties and paralysis. The venom also damages the blood and muscles, leading to kidney failure. Adult snakes are usually (but not always) banded, with ragged stripes varying in colour from pale yellow to black along a solid, muscular body that can grow to 2m. When threatened, they flatten their necks and strike low to the ground. Tiger Snake
With highly toxic venom produced in large amounts and large fangs to inject it, the Sydney funnel-web is without a doubt the deadliest spider in Australia, and possibly the world. They can wander in backyards and sometimes fall into swimming pools, and though they're not often encountered, they can be quite aggressive when threatened. Though just cm big, the Sydney Funnel-web has fangs larger than a brown snake's and so powerful they can even pierce through nails and toenails. Their venom has a chemical that can attack the human nervous system and alter the functioning of all organs and, when coming from a male, can kill. One in six bites causes a severe reaction, but since the antivenom has been made available, in 1981, no deaths have been recorded. Sydney Funnel Web Spider
As with European wasps, the 1.5cm European honey bee, as unassuming as its seems, is highly dangerous to those who have allergies to their venom. Unlike wasps, however, bees leave their stinging needle inserted in their victim, along with a sack of venom. This detaches from the bee, killing it. Native Australian bees are much smaller and often don't sting unlike the introduced species. Allergies to the venom are responsible for more annual average deaths than sharks, spiders or snakes separately. Less than three per cent of Australians are allergic to bee or wasp venom. Honey Bee