Dangerous Animal Initiative Overview David Whitehurst, Director, Bureau of Wildlife Resources, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Christine Gyovai, UVA Institute for Environmental Negotiation
Background of issue In response to a 2011 Ohio incident involving the release of more than 50 dangerous exotic animals, Governor McDonnell asked the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) to review Virginia’s policies and regulations on dangerous exotic animals. November 2011 DGIF hosted the 1 st roundtable meeting to discuss exotic animal laws & regulations; DGIF, VDACS, VDH, USDA, USFWS January 2012; DGIF hosted 2 nd roundtable meeting to discuss exotic animal laws & regulations; DGIF, VDACS, VDH, USDA, VA Assoc. Counties, VA Animal Control Assoc., USFWS, HSUS At the same time, Virginia Delegate Chris Peace and Virginia Senator Louise Lucas introduced new legislation to strengthen the regulations on ownership of these animals, generating substantial public comment. Jan 9, 2012; subgroup of roundtable members met at Del. Peace’s office to work on draft legislation Jan 11 – Mar 10, 2012 HB 1242 introduced; 02/01/12 House: Continued to 2013 with substitute in Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources by voice vote
Background of issue May 2012 DGIF hosted meeting of government stakeholders and IEN to discuss ways to engage stakeholders in a consensus process to develop recommendations governing dangerous and exotic animals. DGIF contracts with UVA Institute for Environmental Negotiation to facilitate & develop recommendations to Governor’s Office. June 4 – 6, 2012 Representatives from DGIF (J. Husband & E. Steinkoenig) travel to Tallahassee, FL to meet with FL FWS administrators, et. al. to discuss laws and operation practices surrounding dangerous and exotic animals control in FL July 9, 2012; Dangerous Animals Regulations and Policies in VA Coordinating Team (DARP) formed: DGIF, VDACS, VDH, USDA, VA Assn of Counties, VA Municipal League; Del. Peace; Gov. Office
Background of issue July 2012; IEN conducts stakeholder interviews August 1, 2012 DARP Coordinating Team meeting: structuring stakeholder workgroup & consensus protocols August 15, 2012 DARP Coordinating Team meeting; continue stakeholder workgroup processes; develop workgroup charges August 22, 2012; DARP Coordinating Team Conference Call; webinar discussion
Workgroup A small Coordinating Team composed of state, federal, and local interests has helped with planning for the Workgroup. IEN conducted a series of interviews regarding the issue in the summer of 2012 to help inform the process and identify issues. A workgroup is being formed to develop consensus-based recommendations around public safety and potentially dangerous animals in Virginia through a process IEN will facilitate. A workgroup is being formed to develop consensus-based recommendations around public safety and potentially dangerous animals in Virginia through a process IEN will facilitate. The Workgroup will be comprised of a wide variety of stakeholders consisting of pet industry groups, business owners, state and federal agency representatives, zoos, animal care and welfare groups, nonprofit organizations, and others.
Workgroup next steps Several meetings will be held from September – November of Although a limited number of people will serve on the Workgroup, meetings will be open to the public. IEN will draft a report explaining Workgroup recommendations and highlighting areas of agreement as well as any remaining differences by the end of There will be several additional ways to participate in this effort, including public meetings, a survey, and the listserve.