Used by employees who work remotely. Diary Management Software
Diary Management Software (DMS) Introduction: 1. DMS can be very useful to employees who work remotely. 2. Using DMS, employees are able to coordinate their diaries to ensure that everyone who is needed can attend a meeting. 3. DMS also enables employees who are working on the same project, to allocate tasks to different members of the team and to share files and documents that are needed during the project. 4. By installing and using DMS, a business can ensure that all employees are able to communicate with each other to make sure all the tasks are completed, meetings don’t clash and reminders are set to ensure that completion of tasks is not late or meetings missed.
Diary Management software tasks DMS lets users organise work schedules, using these features 1. Create appointments/meetings. DMS will allow the creation and storage of a list of meetings and who will be attending. The DMS will also prevent meeting clashes and suggest alternative dates/times. 2. Invite participants. When a meeting is created DMS will invite participants using .
Screen shot of DMS The user is able to enter the participants in the “To:” section, as well as the subject and location. They can also enter the date and time of the meeting. Each participant would then be sent an to confirm their attendance at the meeting.
Using DMS to create tasks DMS can provide a task list which could include 1. Who is to complete each task. 2. The priority of the task could also be set. 3. The deadline date for the task. DMS allows task lists to be shared by many users and can control which users have access to them. To-do lists can be created for individuals (Cable Ties technicians) to show them which tasks they are responsible for and when they have to be completed by. Set reminders – DMS can automatically remind people of either a meeting they have or a task deadline.
DMS Calendar Task created Change view Create to-do lists
DMS Systems Many DMS systems are now cloud software applications. This means that DMS can be accessed through a web browser or mobile app. This means it could be accessed via a tablet or a smartphone. The DMS would be stored and accessed through servers at a remote location to the business – the cloud. This software is extremely useful for staff working remotely and in different locations. As they could access the DMS software wherever they are. (Cable Ties technicians) DMS can be open or closed- meaning you can restrict access, via usernames and passwords, if needed. And also user rights.
Use of Diary Management software for Cable Ties LTD 1. Jackie, the office manager, can create the job schedules for each technician using this software. 2. The technicians can access the diary management software via their smartphones by using an app which is remotely synchronised with the main office software. 3. The technicians will only be able to see their own job schedules and not other technicians. This is a security measure and complies with the Data Protection Act. 4. Jackie can update the job schedules if she gets a call from a priority customer, who must be dealt with within 4 hours of their call. 5. The new job schedule would be automatically sent to the technician’s smartphone so they know of the change.