Page 1 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March RIB production with SPIRAL 2 1.Versatile and evolutive 2.Fission fragments with D beamGoal > 10 13 fissions/s.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 1 Rencontre de Moriond, March RIB production with SPIRAL 2 1.Versatile and evolutive 2.Fission fragments with D beamGoal > fissions/s fusion-evaporation with heavy ions 3.Basic configuration :  Fission fragments produced by n-induced fission  Converter d-n with a carbon wheel  UCx fissile target - low or high density (Gatchina)  Possibility to couple different ions sources (1+)  1+/n+ (charge breeder) approach UCx D C ISECR 1+n+

Page 2 Rencontre de Moriond, March UCx d, 3,4 He,... UCx d n 0.15mA f/s 6kW Fission of 240 Pu,... E x ≥ 50 MeV 4.5 mA f/s  =2.3g/cm 2 V=240cm 3 5 mA f/s  =11g/cm 2 V=240cm 3 5 mA f/s  =11g/cm 2 V=1000cm 3 6kW (limit) Fission of 239 U E x = 20 MeV with converter... without converter MeV deuteron, 5 mA  200 kW dissipation in the converter acces to a wider mass region Fission yields

Page 3 Rencontre de Moriond, March on target x towards experiment d (40 MeV, 4.3 mA) + C + UC (2.3 g/cm 3, 363 g) Fission yields (low density and with converter)

Page 4 Rencontre de Moriond, March T1/2 (s) Diff.Eff.-t Eff.-tube 1+1+/n+Acc.Total e e-5 Efficiencies for Sn isotopes M.G. Saint-Laurent  Sn isotopes D 4 mA on C with UC x low density target (10 13 fissions/s). UCx target IS Example : production from D beam

Page 5 Rencontre de Moriond, March Thick target p,d,…,HI Fusion-evaporation and transfer reactions residues produced by thick target method (like example 58 Ni + 50 Cr  100 Sn 1 + ~1 pps HI Thin target separator Spectroscopy of N=Z A≈100 Fusion-evaporation residues produced by thin target method (In-Flight ) example 28 Ni + 58 Mg  80 Zr 1 + ~ 3 x 10 4 pps Primary Heavy Ion beams at 14.5 A.MeV of 1 mA, up to Ar Production from Heavy Ion Beams  neutron deficient RIB  neutron rich RIB

Page 6 Rencontre de Moriond, March 4. Fusion reaction with exotic beam 1. Fission products 3. N=Z 5. Transfermiums In-flight (Z=106, 108) 2. High Ex fission products Regions of the nuclear chart covered by...

Page 7 Rencontre de Moriond, March Plug housing C converter and UC x target dose rate 32 Sv/h at 1 m and 34 mSv/h after 1 year rotating C wheel 2 m concrete  dose rate < 7.5  Sv/h primary beam (deuterons) exotic beam Target & Ion Source : the Plug solution

Page 8 Rencontre de Moriond, March Detail of the rotating wheel UC 2 target Carbon « standard » Ti support R = 385 mm Beam size: 10 x 25 mm First study

Page 9 Rencontre de Moriond, March Must be an evolutive and versatile machine Optimised for q/A=1/3 ions and must accelerate D + (q/A=1/2) No stripper, to make a direct profit of the ECR sources evolutions for heavy ions, as far as beam energy is concerned 1 mA for ions (up to Argon) and 5 mA for deuterons Injector: RFQ with a 100% Duty Cycle Exit Energy: 0.75 A.MeV A.MeV (according to the frequency) LINAC: Independant Phase Superconducting Cavities based on QWRs and/or HWRs up to 40 MeV or 14.5 A.MeV Frequency : 88 MHz and 176 MHzor 176 MHz for the whole linac gradient ~ 6-8 MV/m ( = Vacc /  ) ~ resonators DRIVER 14.5 A.MeV ions 40 MeV deuterons SourceInjectorLinear accelerator

Page 10 Rencontre de Moriond, March example of ACCEL cryostat (4 cavities, 2 solenoids) SC Solenoid + steering coils + active screening Deuteron Source ex. SILHI-type (permanent magnets) QWR Argonne RFQ (Cu plated SS version) Main driver components

Page 11 Rencontre de Moriond, March deuterons (5 mA) : “ downgrade” of SILHI source or micro-phoenix or... heavy ions q/A=1/3 (1 mA) cw mode, voltage = 60 kV,  < 200  mm mrad state-of-the-art : 18 O 6+ 1 mA 36 Ar mA  High Frequency & high B 1. A fully superconducting ECRIS (close to the GYROSERSE project) Bmax = 4 T; Brad = 3 T; large ECR zone, F = 28 GHz, and possibly above 2. A compact source, with lower magnetic field & higher power density (A-PHOENIX) technology based on HTS coils and permanent magnetsBmax = 3 T; Brad= 1.6 T SERSE at LNS (14-18 GHz) PHOENIX (28 GHz) Primary Sources R&D

Page 12 Rencontre de Moriond, March Low Energy Beam Transfer (LEBT) Goal :to transport and to match and 2 types of beam to RFQ with very low loss energy : 20 keV/n D + (5 mA, 40kV)q/A=1/3 (1mA, 60kV)

Page 13 Rencontre de Moriond, March Beam Dynamics studies determine the optimal choice of linac frequency resonator types transition energies (RFQ output, geometric betas) Nb of resonators / cryostat,etc... and should also accelerate heavier ions (q/A~1/6) 2 options : 88/176 MHz or 176 MHz for the whole linac pro’s and con’s 88 MHz requires QWRs  easier fabrication and cleaning but dipole fields only partially compensated 176 MHz only  only HWRs could be used but more dissipation in the RFQ, requires higher RFQ output energy Linac architecture

Page 14 Rencontre de Moriond, March classical brazed Cu 88 or 176 MHz separated functions 88 MHz with rf joints 88 or 176 MHz Cu plated SS 88 MHz Different technological solutions for the RFQ 4-rod RFQ, IH-type RFQ  cheaper but low-frequency 4-vane RFQ  cw operation & high transmission IAP Frankfurt

Page 15 Rencontre de Moriond, March 1/21/3 Phase space at the RFQ output Ex. 88 MHz4-vaneLength = 5mEnergy = 0.75 A.MeV aperture = mm vane voltage = kV Modulation 1-2 Transmission 99,95% (1/2)99,93% (1/3)

Page 16 Rencontre de Moriond, March Legnaro-type QWR Argonne_type QWR and HWR (with field asymmetry compensation) ~ 40 resonators at 6 MV/m~ 30 resonators at 8 MV/m Resonators

Page 17 Rencontre de Moriond, March phase advance too large ! Beam dynamics in the SC linac 2 essential rules to avoid  dilution + beam loss : 1. phase advance < 90° 2. long. & trans. matching between tanks  favours large Nb cavities / tank solenoid instead of quad focusing 1 solenoid / cavity at low energy to keep the beam size < the cavity aperture (30 mm max) B z < 7-8 T to keep classical technology NbTi SC solenoid

Page 18 Rencontre de Moriond, March CIME SC LINAC Deuteron40 MeV Heavy ions15 MeV/u RFQ charge breeder 1+ / N+ Low energy RIB Fission fragments <6 MeV/nucléon Separator Target-Source system Deuteron Source Q/A= 1/3 ion source Schematic lay-out (1)

Page 19 Rencontre de Moriond, March ECR Sources (d and q/A=1/3 ions) RFQ SC LINAC 40 MeV and 14.5 A MeV F. Daudin Injection to CIME Low energy RIB stable heavy ions post-accelerator CIME Schematic lay-out (2)

Page 20 Rencontre de Moriond, March GANIL expansion

Page 21 Rencontre de Moriond, March APD ~ 2 years Nov 2004 Time schedule

Page 22 Rencontre de Moriond, March Driver light (heavy) ions Long-term future (1) can be used as a post-accelerator with future upgrade in energy SPIRAL 2 Energy upgrade

Page 23 Rencontre de Moriond, March production postaccelerator Long-term future (2) or can be used as the low energy part of a future high energy driver SPIRAL 2 Energy upgrade