The Building Programme on the Acropolis Propylaia, Temples to Athena, Parthenon, Erectheion, Athena Nike Temple.


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Presentation transcript:

The Building Programme on the Acropolis Propylaia, Temples to Athena, Parthenon, Erectheion, Athena Nike Temple

History 566 BCE Reorganization of the Panathenaia 550 Peisistratid stone poros temple (Hekatompedon) 490 Marble buidling on site of Parthenon 480 Burning of the Parthenon and Acropolis buildings Parthenon 438 Propylaia Athena Nike 421 Peace of Nikias 415 Sicilian Expedition Erectheion

Parthenon Perikles, the politician Phidias, the sculptor Iktinos and Kallikrates, the architects Athens hegemony of the Delian league 1/60th of treasury paid to Athens Doric order - most perfect example

RES PARTHENONICA by meters Octastyle. Doric with many elements derived from Ionic order. Perfect ratio system (9:5) creating a vital building Curvature of stylobate, entasis of columns - the building breathes All possibly carved elements are sculpted: metopes of the exterior Doric frieze, both west and east pediments, Ionic frieze of cella

Creativity of Architects Iktinos and Kallikrates Re-use of earlier pre-Persian column drums. Enlargement of Temple. Doric innovation to use Octastyle façade. 20 meter deep foundations on the south side to give a footing for expanded building.

Sculptural Themes West Pediment: Struggle of Athena and Poseidon for control of Athens. East Pediment: Birth of Athena. 92 Metopes. East: Gigantomachy. West: Amazonomachy. South: Centauromachy. North: Fall of Troy. Ionic Frieze: Peplosphoros OR the Sacrifice of the Daugthers of Erectheus.

Athena Parthenos

Plan - Parthenon Prodomos Hekatompedon naos - Pheidian cult statue Parthenon - opisthodomos: city treasury.

Optical Refinements –Entasis of columns –Curvature of Stylobate and Crepidoma

Doric Corner Contraction

West Pediment

East Pediment

Propylaia Mnesikles - architect BCE: unfinished? Propylaia is the plural of propylon. Pinakotheke to the northwest. Southwest wing curtailed because of Athena Nike sanctuary and Mycenaean wall foundations. West section and East section. West: Doric façade East: Five doors to Acropolis.

Plan of Propylaia

Pinakotheke Pausanias (2nd c CE) saw works of Polygnotos. Eleusinian limestone erasure step.

Interior View Doric Façade. Ionic interior colonnade. Five doors to the Acropolis. Center one NOT the most used.

View from the East

Propylaia Model

Athena Nike Kallikrates - architect. Tetrastyle, distyle, Ionic Erected on Mycenaean bastion. Archaic altar below. Pentelic marble. East frieze: Gods. West frieze: Battles of Greeks and Persians. Xoanon: Wooden cult statue.

Nike Bastion

Nike East Facade

Nike East Frieze

Erectheion Housed older cults on the acropolis: Erectheus, Athena Polias, Psoeidon, Hephaistos, Boutos. Irregular plan due to terrain, multi-cult, interruption of construction. Below the floor: Tomb of Kekrops, legendary king of Athens. Caryatid Porch.


Erectheion: Caryatid Porch

Erechtheion: Over view

North Porch