Consent to Care and Treatment - Quiz The Policy Company Limited ©
When will Residents be asked to give consent to care and treatment? How? What is valid consent? Who can give consent to treatment? When considering whether a Resident has capacity to give consent, what are the five key statutory principles which must be observed? The Policy Company Limited ©
How is a person who lacks capacity defined by the Mental Capacity Act 2005? A person is considered unable to make a decision if they cannot do one or more of four things. What are they? What factors might be present which may affect a persons ability to make a decision? How may consent to care and treatment be given? The Policy Company Limited ©
What is a “Living Will”? What are the four requirements for an advance decision to refuse treatment to be valid? Is valid consent required for all care and treatment? If a Resident within the Home is assessed as lacking the capacity to make a decision on care and treatment, and one is required what actions should be taken? The Policy Company Limited ©
If written consent is required, the Resident is assessed as having the capacity to give consent, but is unable to write, what should you do? What decisions cannot be made on someone else’s behalf? What is a LPA, and what can they do? What is an EPA? What is an IMCA and what do they do? The Policy Company Limited ©
What records of consent should be kept? If there are disagreements as to care and treatment of a person who lacks capacity to give consent, who has the final say? The Policy Company Limited ©