Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Inter-American Cement Federation Business Action for Sustainable Development Business Day Gabriel M. Restrepo Chairman, Board of Directors FICEM June 19, 2012, Rio de Janeiro
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Latin America and the Caribbean – Cement Industry 33 countries 577 million inhabitants 156 million tonnes of cement production 286 kg of cement consumption per capita 5.2 % of the world’s cement output *CEPAL 2011, institutes affiliated to FICEM, CEMBUREAU MX
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities About FICEM Established in 2002, FICEM is an independent organization that represents the majority of the cement industry companies and institutes in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. OBJECTIVES To promote the industry’s sustainable development in the region To strengthen the representation before multilateral organisms, the authorities and the society To generate and share knowledge and good practices among our members and with peer organizations To promote the advantages of cement- and concrete-based construction systems
FICEM 24 countries 74 companies 11 cement institutes 8 associations and chambers 227 factories (Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal) * Institutes affiliated to FICEM 2011
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Scope To exchange knowledge, studies, research projects and protocols between the CSI and FICEM To facilitate the participation of non-CSI, FICEM members, at the CSI’s Agenda for Action To share the documents and guidelines published by the CSI with the Latin American cement industry To maintain and strengthen the partnership through active participation at events, forums and task forces of both the CSI and FICEM CSI – PWC – FICEM Agreement Getting the Numbers Right (GNR) Alliance CSI – FICEM (Communications’ Partnership)
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Participation at events, forums and congresses 2009 CSI Forum Rio de Janeiro - Brazil FICEM Technical Congress Bogotá – Colombia Mass media coverage in Latin America 2010 FICEM Technical Congress Montego Bay - Jamaica FICEM Climate Change and Co-Processing Forum Miami - USA
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Participation at events, forums and congresses 2011 Appointment of FICEM as member of GNR - PWC FICEM Institutes’ Forum Quito - Ecuador FICEM Technical Congress Sao Paulo - Brazil CSI Forum 2011 Bangkok - Thailand General Assembly Quito - Ecuador 2012 Participation in basd Rio + 20 Cement Sustainability Initiative
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Communications 2010 Communications’ Partnership FICEM - CSI Definition of CSI guidelines to be translated into Spanish Translation of the CSI Cement Technology Roadmap 2009 Publicizing of CSI guidelines through Translation of the CSI Guidelines on Quarry Rehabilitation Publicizing of CSI guidelines at FICEM Forums Brochure GNR LATAM
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Alliance CSI – FICEM (Communication Partners) GNR Data Base (Getting The Numbers Right) CSI The Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), a sector-project of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WCBSD), is a global effort by 24 major cement producers with operations in more than 100 countries. Currently all the CSI members are part of the GNR Program (Getting the Numbers Right), a voluntary, independently-managed database of CO2 emissions and energy performance Getting the Numbers Right Latin America In 2011, FICEM joined this initiative with CSI as a communication partner, with the purpose of promoting the participation of non CSI members in Latin America, in order to have a more comprehensive regional inventory of the cement industry CO2 emissions and energy efficiency in the region. Performance Report GNR Latin America The Latin America cement industry available information on CO2 emissions, represents 63% of the regional production. This information suggests that between a reduction of 17.2% in the net CO2 emission per tonne. These reductions occurred largely during the second decade.
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Source: FICEM 2011 Available information on CO2 emissions by the Latin American cement industry represents 63% of the regional output. CSI – PwC – FICEM Agreement (GNR)
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities United to strengthen our capacities The main obstacle is the lack of legislation and awareness, in some countries, to reduce or eliminate land filling FICEM’s plan to promote co-Processing aims at: Promoting good practices in the region through knowledge transfer between member countries Consolidating our carbon footprint and generating action plans for its reduction Proactively communicating the benefits of co-processing Present and perspectives of co-processing in LATAM Across the region, FICEM has identified co-processing as one of the pillars of sustainability for the cement industry Waste valorization rates range from 7% to 18% in Latin America The main challenge for the industry in LATAM is to achieve the development of public policies that include co-processing as a feasible, safe alternative among the array of waste management options The Latin American cement industry played a major role in the definition of the “Guidelines for Co-processing” published by the Basel Convention (UNEP)
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Fossil fuel substitution in Latin America The substitution rate of fossil fuels in countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Dominican Republic ranges between 7% and 18% The main challenge for the industry in LATAM is to achieve the development of public policies that include co-processing as a feasible, safe alternative among the array of waste management options.
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Final Statement As a developing sub-continent, Latin America has an important infraestructure program to be carried out and cement will provide the main materia basis for construction. The regional cement sector has made much progress to achieve ever cleaner production and it will keep moving forward. Work is being done so that the necessary expansion of the cement industry is continously achieved through the installation of modern units, with high energy efficiency and low emissons levels, matching the same standars of excellence that have been responsible for the industry´s current international recognition in the environmental sphere.
Joint to promote our capacities United to strengthen our capacities United to strengthen our capacities Inter-American Cement Federation Thank you