FORMAT FESTIVAL Formats and Informats - powerful SAS® language components. Format - an instruction or template that SAS uses to output data values. Informat - an instruction or template for reading data values.
FORMAT FESTIVAL There are two basic types of Informats – SAS® Supplied and User Created. Character Informats have the form - $ w. Examples - $char7., $hex4.
FORMAT FESTIVAL Numeric Informats omit the “$” sign and may include a decimal width. Examples of numeric Informats are: comma7.2 – removes embedded commas and $ signs. pd4. – Reads packed decimal
FORMAT FESTIVAL Date Informats are used to convert date and time information into a SAS® date format. A SAS date is a number which represents the number of days since January 1, Examples of date Informats are: mmddyy10. – 10/09/2006 date11. – 09/OCT/2006
FORMAT FESTIVAL Specifying Informats for use in a program. - INPUT Statement - INPUT, INPUTC, INPUTN Functions - INFORMAT Statement - ATTRIB Statement
FORMAT FESTIVAL Example 1 – Using an Informat to read in a variable. 03/01/2002 $1,035, /04/2002 $1,075, /05/2002 $1,236, /06/2002 $1,422, /07/2002 $1,635, /08/2002 $1,880, /11/2002 $2,162, /12/2002 $2,487, /13/2002 $2,860, /14/2002 $3,289, /15/2002 $3,782, /18/2002 $4,350, /19/2002 $5,002,767.
FORMAT FESTIVAL data ex1; Infile 'c:\Workshop\HW07\Data\ex1.txt; input datev mmddyy10. revenue comma12.; run;
FORMAT FESTIVAL Example 2 – Creating and using a user defined Informat. - PROC FORMAT is used to create user-defined Formats and Informats - Use an INFORMAT or ATTRIB statement to permanently associate a variable and an Informat
FORMAT FESTIVAL proc format; invalue $ganpa '229'='Albany' '706','762'='Athens' '404','470','678','770'='Atlanta' '478'='Macon' '912'='Savannah'; run; data ex2; length npa $8; input npa $ganpa3. nxx $ 4-6 line $ 7-10 revenue 12.2; cards; AAAA XXXX BBBB CCCC DDDD EEEE FFFF GGGG HHHH31.2 ; run;
FORMAT FESTIVAL Obsnpanxxlinerevenue 1Atlanta423AAAA50 2Albany543XXXX75 3Savannah333BBBB25 4Savannah767CCCC Atlanta221DDDD46 6Macon332EEEE34.5 7Atlanta681FFFF21.7 8Athens728GGGG45.8 9Albany476HHHH31.2
FORMAT FESTIVAL Example 3 – Creating a permanent user defined Informat -Reference the catalog using PROC FORMAT Library= option. -Use LIBNAME to declare a FORMATS catalog
FORMAT FESTIVAL proc format library=library; invalue $ganpa '229'='Albany' '706','762'='Athens' '404','470','678','770'='Atlanta' '478'='Macon '912'='Savannah'; run; proc format library=library fmtlib; run; The FMTLIB produces the following information about the $ganpa. INFORMAT. This option can be used to check the user created INFORMAT for accuracy and completeness.
FORMAT FESTIVAL | INFORMAT LENGTH: 8 NUMBER OF VALUES: 9 MIN LENGTH: 1 MAX LENGTH: 40 DEFAULT LENGTH 8 FUZZ: 0 | |START |END |INVALUE(VER. V7|V8 04JUL2006:18:25:37)| | |229 |229 |Albany |404 |404 |Atlanta |470 |470 |Atlanta |478 |478 |Macon |678 |678 |Atlanta |706 |706 |Athens |762 |762 |Athens |770 |770 |Atlanta |912 |912 |Savannah
FORMAT FESTIVAL Example 4 – Using a Format to print a variable - PUT Statement - PUT, PUTC, PUTN Functions - %SYSFUNC macro function - FORMAT Statement - ATTRIB Statement
FORMAT FESTIVAL libname ds 'c:\Workshop\HW07\Datasets'; proc print data=ds.ex1; run; proc print data=ds.ex1; format datev mmddyy10. revenue comma12.; run; proc print data=ds.ex1; format datev mmddyy7. revenue dollar14.2; run; proc print data=ds.ex1; format datev date7. revenue euro12.; run; proc print data=ds.ex1; format datev worddate12. revenue e12.; run; data _null_; set ds.ex1; file print; put datev date9. +1 revenue comma14.2; run;
FORMAT FESTIVAL Example 5 – Creating and using a user defined Formats - PROC FORMAT is used to create user-defined Formats and Informats - Use an FORMAT or ATTRIB statement to permanently associate a variable and a Format
FORMAT FESTIVAL proc format; value $ganpaf '229'='Albany' '706','762'='Athens' '404','470','678','770'='Atlanta’ '478'='Macon' '912'='Savannah'; run; proc print data=ex2; format npa $ganpaf.; run;
FORMAT FESTIVAL Obs npa nxx line revenue 1 Atlanta 423 AAAA Albany 543 XXXX Savannah 333 BBBB Savannah 767 CCCC Atlanta 221 DDDD Macon 332 EEEE Atlanta 681 FFFF Athens 728 GGGG Albany 476 HHHH 31.20
FORMAT FESTIVAL Example 6 – Using a FORMAT to classify data. -Use PROC FORMAT to declare a range instead of just one equivalent value. - Apply the FORMAT range to the original variable in a PROC or DATA step.
FORMAT FESTIVAL proc format; value revtype 0 -< 35 = 'LOW' 36 -< 55 = 'AVERAGE' 56 -< 80 = 'HIGH'; run; data ex3; set ex2; revenue1=revenue; run; proc print data=ex3; format revenue revtype.; var npa nxx line revenue1 revenue; Run;
FORMAT FESTIVAL Exercise 7 - Using a Format as a look-up facility -Define a FORMAT using PROC FORMAT -Use a PUT function to test each observation AND select by the formatted value
FORMAT FESTIVAL Proc format; value $metro '404','470','678','770'='me'; run; data metro; set ex2; if put(npa,$metro.)='me'; proc print data=metro; title 'Metro Atlanta'; run;
FORMAT FESTIVAL Metro Atlanta Obs npa nxx line revenue AAAA DDDD FFFF 21.7
FORMAT FESTIVAL Example 8 – Creating a Format with the CNTLN option - Create a data set that can be used to construct a Format -Define variables – START, LABEL, FMTNAME as a minimum. -Read the data set into PROC FORMAT using the CNTLN option
libname ds 'J:\Flash_Drive_4_Gig\SESUG 2006\HW07'; libname library 'J:\Flash_Drive_4_Gig\SESUG 2006\HW07'; data ocnlist; length label $ 50; set ds.nm_ocn_list; start=ocn; label=carrier; fmtname='$New_Mexico_OCN'; run; proc format library=library cntlin=ocnlist; run; proc format library=library fmtlib; select $New_Mexico_OCN; run;
Traffic Lighting Not a recode, but an improvement in the visual effect of making certain values stand out. Example: Obsnpanxxlinerevenue AAAA XXXX BBBB CCCC DDDD EEEE FFFF GGGG HHHH31.20 FORMAT FESTIVAL
proc format; value larg low ='Green' ='Blue' high='Red'; run; proc print data=subscribers; var npa nxx line; var revenue / style={foreground=larg.}; run; FORMAT FESTIVAL
Obsnpanxxlinerevenue AAAA XXXX BBBB CCCC DDDD EEEE FFFF GGGG HHHH The key element is the use of the “style” option on the revenue variable. -This method is supported for PROC PRINT, PROC TABULATE, and PROC REPORT. -“FORGROUND” controls font color. FORMAT FESTIVAL
Obsnpanxxlinerevenue AAAA XXXX BBBB CCCC DDDD EEEE FFFF GGGG HHHH The “background” attribute controls the cell color. -In Version 8.2, the presence of a permanent FORMAT for the traffic lighting variable prevented the traffic lighting effect when using PROC PRINT. This problem was fixed in Version 9.1 FORMAT FESTIVAL
Nested FORMATS PROC FORMAT; value $metro '404'='City' '470','678','770'='Metro' '229','912'='Outstate' other=[$inter.]; value $inter '803'='SC' '423'='TN' '205'='AL' other='Rest of Country'; run; FORMAT FESTIVAL
ObsnpaNPAnxxlinerevenue 1City404423AAAA Outstate229543XXXX Outstate912333BBBB Outstate912767CCCC Metro678221DDDD Rest of Country478332EEEE Metro770681FFFF Rest of Country706728GGGG Outstate229476HHHH AL205768xxxx35.00 Using the $metro FORMAT to print the subscribers dataset produces the following output: FORMAT FESTIVAL
Version 9.2 New Formats $BASE64X – Converts character data to ASCII text using Base 64 encoding. PERCENTN – Produces percentages, using a minus sign for negative values. DATEW. – Enhanced to write dates in the form dd-mmm-yyy.
FORMAT FESTIVAL This is a very brief look at Formats and Informats. They can help you write some very elegant and concise code. Make them a permanent part of your SAS® repertoire. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration.