Validation and Conformity testing - Status and planning (Carlo Cipolloni)


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Presentation transcript:

Validation and Conformity testing - Status and planning (Carlo Cipolloni)

Minutes of MIWP-5 workshop Terms of reference for MIWP-5 sub-group Procedures for validation and conformity testing Procedures for change control of ATSs, ETSs, software, documentation etc. (as input to a larger MIG activity on procedures for change control of INSPIRE artefacts) Study: Overview of issues and possible benefits, existing technical solutions, possible options and policy implications Detailed proposal (if D1.3.1 is approved by EC & MS) Additional CITE tests for INSPIRE profile Task 1 Use case descriptions cross-cutting use cases for validation specific use cases for metadata, data and service validation Specification of (functional and non-functional) requirements cross-cutting requirements for validation specific requirements for metadata, data and service validation Collect information on existing validation tools/platforms and approaches, including languages/approaches for documenting tests Evaluate existing tools/platforms and approaches on how they meet the requirements defined. Task 2

Develop testsuite for INSPIRE metadata: a) Analyse requirements in the MD TGs and develop ATS, b) Compare existing implementations of MD IR requirements; c) Develop ETS based requirements. Develop testsuite for INSPIRE discovery service: a) Analyse requirements in the Discovery service TGs and develop ATS; b) Compare existing implementations of Discovery service IR requirements; c) Develop ETS based on requirements. Develop testsuite for INSPIRE view service: a) Analyse requirements in the View service TGs and develop ATS; b) Compare existing implementations of View service IR requirements; c) Develop ETS based on requirements. Develop testsuite for INSPIRE download service: a) Analyse requirements in the Download service TGs and develop ATS; b) Compare existing implementations of Download service IR requirements; c) Develop ETS based on requirements. Investigate feasibility of testing INSPIRE data sets Identify feasible data set as pilots and explore ATS from TG and Develop ETS based on requirements. Task 3

 The ToR of MIWP5 has been presented during last MIG-T meeting.  The work plan is also published and available in wiki (  A draft Change Management document has published and provides by Peter Parslow (  We have planed to have a expert workshop in Nov./Dec., where selected expert people that have in place some validation system best practice discuss the requirements.  The tenders for experts and expert coordinator have been published last week. (  A subgroup start to work on Data Model Harmonization concerning Protected Sites using a validation service based on OGC Team Engine  A compliance meter is developed by JRC (Angelo Quaglia) Status and progress

Minutes of MIWP-5 workshop Terms of reference for MIWP-5 sub-groupProcedures for validation and conformity testing Procedures for change control of ATSs, ETSs, software, documentation etc. (as input to a larger MIG activity on procedures for change control of INSPIRE artifacts) Study: Overview of issues and possible benefits, existing technical solutions, possible options and policy implications Additional CITE tests for INSPIRE profile 30/06/201417/08/2014waiting Starting 31/07/14 Starting in October Starting a discussion

Use case descriptions: cross-cutting use cases for validation; specific use cases for metadata, data and service validation Specification of (functional and non-functional) requirement cross-cutting requirements for validation specific requirements for metadata, data and service validation Collect information on existing validation tools/platforms and approaches, including languages/approaches for documenting tests Evaluate existing tools/platforms and approaches on how they meet the requirements defined Strating… Expert WS Nov./Dec. waiting 30/09/2014 Expert WS Nov./Dec.

7 eENVplus Validation Service: current status Creation of access page prompting the user for the INSPIRE Data Theme of gml dataset to be tested. Creation of the «after selection» page showing the ETS with the tests related to the conformance classes of the ATS. Customization of TEAM Engine web interface Creation of a schematron file for the INSPIRE theme Protected Sites Cooperation with OGC: issues identified in release r15 (of testing facility GML 3.2 ) reported to OGC CITE and fixed in r16 Deadline in the work plan



WP1 - Scope, policies and procedures

WP2 - Software development

WP3 - Test development