Stepping Stones Two Wells 11 th May 2009
This centre is a stark contrast to Two Wells Community Children’s Centre (TCCC) in the way that the foyer was decorated. Unlike TCCC there seems to be an absence of community input and children’s decorations (even though this is a privately run ‘chain’ child care and TCCC is government run). When I arrived the director was very busy working with the children and asked for me to come and find her if I needed her. Presumably they were either short staffed or had few children. Later, another worker arrived. It turned out that it was the director from Ingle Farm Stepping Stones coming to assist with preparations for accreditation. Earlier the director had told me that accreditation would occur any day now.
The centre is having a family information night which may be worth attending?
The rooms in the centre are very similar.
3 different language versions of the same pamphlet. The none English versions have a more explicit picture of shaking a baby.
Dental information for expectant mothers and about young kids.
The front door has directive information on it – How to enter, what to bring, how to collect kids etc
Language – culture - knowledge - talent
Information attached to the door about fee increases at Stepping Stones.
Interesting to read the routine of the centre rather than a routine for toddlers and one for babies. I got a sense from the foyer that a lot of emphasis is placed on routine, structure and organisation.
The obligatory NCAC posters also found at TWCCC
This sign refers parents who have a child with developmental delays to playgroup program held outside Two Wells.
Health warnings placed on the door prior to entry into the centre.