Load testing… Everything you want to know BEFORE you execute. Brent Bonnington Indiana Health Information Exchange I.H.I.E.
Experience / Knowledge Networking Sales Support for development, testing, and performance tools for Compuware Vantage products. Trained 300 professional services engineers Compuware Vantage (network, application, development) Rational product line including Robot. HP Quality Center, QTP, Load Runner Business Analyst, Project Manager, Sys Admin
Problem to solve Stress, load, performance test a health information enterprise system.
Problems uncovered Health information enterprise system is not documented. System currently owned and supported by a third party. Contains patient information. Specific and unique access. Need to maintain HIPPA compliance. Need to conform to HITECH regulations. One production system. One “validation” system that cannot be used for testing. No budget. No requirements.
More problems… Limited resources internally. Test team is a one man show. Defects, configuration, execution, requirements, reporting, coordination, procurement. No testing tools. Excel and SharePoint. Need a testing tool repository for requirements, defects, tests. Would like a integration with performance tools such as QC, QTP, LR. Company will not purchase hardware, everything will be virtual. Limited understanding of testing in general. – “Just test it.” “He does the QA stuff” “When are you going to test?” Time frame to test grows smaller each day. – Code to be moved to IHIE – Support will be cut off and IHIE needs to have knowledge transfer – Largest customer (medical institution) wants it now. Scope of performance testing changes – Give me a baseline, Test the Oracle DB, End to End, 25% of production, 20 users, 2000 users, 200 users…
Solution Understand the budget to work in. Provide Gold, Silver, Bronze request. Use the resources at hand. Architecture, Development, Project Management, Senior Management, and QA (Division). Secure remote testing sight that can be “spun up” at any time which saves cost, time, management. Purchase testing tool repository for requirements, defects, tests. – HIPPAA and HITECH compliant – Easy to use and grow – Integrates with performance tools Secure off site testing. Understand and convey what testing is to company. “Just test it.” becomes an understanding of the SDLC. Time frame – No internal performance tools. Use a service for one time event. – Leverage that knowledge for internal use on future applications. – Provide immediate results for IT, Product Management, Developers.
Load testing tools Load runner - robust, time consuming, Oracle VU’s, QTP, QC, costly. Grinder – unlimited VU’s, free, ramp up time too long. Manual – seriously? Yes. Cloud Test – 3 options – Remote engagement, internal install, Lite version. To achieve the performance test within time and budget – Lost tight integration with repository (QC & LR) – One time effort but knowledge gained on the app and internally will benefit us.
IHIE, customer, QA wins IHIE wins because – Under budget. – Within time constraints. – Knowledge of testing tools is expanded greatly. – Base tool implemented for requirements, defects, test – Secure and complies to HIPPA and HITECH – DBA will use ORA tools in conjunction with performance test. – IT will understand server usage. Customer wins because we will be able to provide a better product out of the gate. QA wins because – A solution was found using limited resources. – Testing tools will finally be installed…no more Excel. – QA shines in the spotlight.
Take away QA starts when the business has an idea not when someone thinks “It’s ready to test…go test it.” Start early Vet your vendors early. New tools, new solutions. Understand the budget, get under it. Provide solutions to management, not numbers. Provide superior testing throughout the SDLC.