The Independent Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity
Introduction The Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarność was founded as a result of worker protests and established on the basis of the Gdańsk Accords signed on 31st August 1980 by the Inter-enterprise Strike Committee and the Government Commission. NSZZ Solidarność represents workers, what is 4,35% of the total unionisation of work force in Poland (11- 13%).
History the first founding committees of Independent Trade Unions 14 th August 1980 – the Gdansk Shipyard went on strike. The Twenty One demands were presented! 31 st August – the August Agreements were signed by the Strike Committee and Governmental Committee 17 th September in Gdansk the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity was established
Structure The National Congress of DelegatesThe National Congress of Delegates The National CommissionThe National Commission The National Supervisory CommissionThe National Supervisory Commission The Regional Convention of DelegatesThe Regional Convention of Delegates The Council of the Regional Branch SectionThe Council of the Regional Branch Section The Audit Commission of the Regional Branch SectionThe Audit Commission of the Regional Branch Section The National Congress of the SecretariatThe National Congress of the Secretariat The Council of the SecretariatThe Council of the Secretariat The Audit Commission of the SecretariatThe Audit Commission of the Secretariat
Objectives The Union's objectives are to defend the rights, dignity and: employees' interests of the members guarantee workers' rights in the areas of employment, remuneration, living and workplace health and safety conditions;employees' interests of the members guarantee workers' rights in the areas of employment, remuneration, living and workplace health and safety conditions; fight unemployment and assist unemployed Union members.fight unemployment and assist unemployed Union members. guarantee employees the right to improve their vocational qualifications;guarantee employees the right to improve their vocational qualifications;
Objectives protect the health, material, social, and cultural interests of its members and their families;protect the health, material, social, and cultural interests of its members and their families; undertake efforts through social dialogue to harmonise proper enterprise management with workers' interests;undertake efforts through social dialogue to harmonise proper enterprise management with workers' interests; cooperate with international organisations in the scope of protection of human and trade union rights and dignity;cooperate with international organisations in the scope of protection of human and trade union rights and dignity; protect culture and education in a broad sense;protect culture and education in a broad sense;
Science and Education Secretariat The National Congress of DelegatesThe National Congress of Delegates The Council and PresidiumThe Council and Presidium The Supervisory CommissionThe Supervisory Commission The Regional General Assembly of delegatesThe Regional General Assembly of delegates The Regional BoardThe Regional Board The Regional Supervisory CommissionThe Regional Supervisory Commission The Local General Assembly of DelegatesThe Local General Assembly of Delegates The Local Board and Supervisory CommissionThe Local Board and Supervisory Commission The Circle of an Educational InstitutionThe Circle of an Educational Institution
The role of SKO i W Represent the teachers in front of all authorities, At the national level- we are fighting for wages and working conditions of Polish teachers, We take part in negotiations/ common bargaining, We co-create and express our opinions on all educational documents/ bills, We are one of the parties of the Social Dialog, At the local level- we negotiate allowances/ bonuses, motivating supplements, executive rewards. We pass the judgement on regulations. We take part in the promotion of teachers and competitive commissions for school’s managers.
The Union Activity Take some researches and collect data, Publish books, newspapers, magazines, Organise some conferences, seminars, Run specialised courses and programmes at schools, Take part in the projects. As the union ( not a political party) we must represent our members and be the ‘spokesperson’ for them!