By Aaliyah Thompson
Dogs can be vary small or really BIG. They usually have fur unless you shave it off. If they don’t then that probably isn’t a dog
To dogs everything is in black and white. Like you are watching an old TV show.
Dogs eat things such as…… Meat, Vegetables, Grain matter, beef
Different breads are……. Chihuahua, German Shepherd Beagle Blood hound Mix (2 types of dogs mixed in one.) Collie Chocolate lab
To you and me dogs belong in some ones house. But one thing we don’t think is A LOT of dogs live in the wilderness. That’s because of selfish people not taking them home or not taking care of them, so the run away.
well., you need to know to take care of you’re dog is, first you need id the supplies. Then you need the right place.(if it’s a big dog you need a big backyard. If its small, you need a pretty big backyard but not to big.) if you have all that, plus food, then you are all set.
The smallest dog ever The fattest dog alive! Nice and healthy pups Longest ears EVER! Best skate boarding
Lovely dog with kitten Dog and duck