Teaching Young Kids Baseball By Lisa Florio Next
Introduction This presentation is designed to teach kids baseball techniques, and also assist parents in helping their kids learn the basics. This presentation includes: A brief history of baseball Advice to Parents Baseball fundamentals Hitting Catching Throwing Home Back Next
America’s Favorite Pastime History First leagues established in the late 1870’s The first World Series took place in 1903 The first all-star game was played in 1933 The NY Yankees have won the most championships The baseball hall of fame is located in Cooperstown NY Home Back Next
Advice to Parents Patience – be patient with your child Practice – stress the importance of practice Sensitivity – be sensitive to your child’s mood Interest – show interest in your child’s game Home Back Next
Baseball FUNdamentals Baseball Diamond 9 Positions Pitcher Catcher 1st, 2nd, 3rd Base Short Stop Left, Center and Right Field 3 outs per inning 6 innings per game (Kids) Home Back Next
Swinging the Bat Hitting off the “T” is a great way to learn When pitching use a larger ball for hand-eye coordination Use the right length and weight for the bat Home Back Next
The Batting Stance Have the feet spread about six to eight inches wider than the shoulders Have slightly more weight on the rear foot and more weight forward on the balls of the feet Check that your hips and shoulders are level Keep your head steady, eyes level and your chin tucked in on your front shoulder Home Back Next
The Batting Stance Continued Put your hands comfortably away from your body and on the same plane as the back shoulder Have your elbows bent comfortably Home Back Next
Catching the Ball Provide a baseball glove which fits a hand Roll the ball first Graduate to a few bounces Toss softly at close range Remind him/her to squeeze the ball after it lands in the glove Home Back Next
Catching the Ball Continued Remember Kids are generally more afraid to catch a ball than to swing at it Catching a ball is the toughest thing for kids to learn because they might feel that they can’t control the ball Home Back Next
Throwing the Baseball Need to get your entire body into the throw Good throwing mechanics will enable you to make plays The best way to grip the ball is across the seams (as shown) Home Back Next
Throwing the Ball Continued Arm Motion The motion of your arm makes when throwing the ball is a circular motion The circular motion will aid your throw by providing more natural momentum In order to throw the ball, you want to make sure you throw it across all four seems Home Back Next
As a Parent During the Game Be supportive and congratulatory Offer tips in a positive way Don’t make your kid feel bad about a mistake or bad skills Support your child’s interest by attending the games and cheering! Home Back Next
Conclusion Baseball is our nations pastime Kids and parents love to play baseball Learning the fundamentals is important from an early age Parents need to encourage their kids in a positive way Home Back Next
Resources How to Get the Proper Batting Stance http://www.ehow.com/how_10085_proper-batting-stance.html Playing Catch – Throwing the Baseball http://www.qcbaseball.com/skills/pc_throwing1.aspx Singleton Susan. Helping Kids Play Americas Favorite Pastime. Online, http://www.recreate.com/Pages/articles/ssingle2.shtml Home Back