CHAPTER 8 Media Selection in Advertising
What kinds of ads get your attention? Are they found in “traditional” media like television or unusual places? Where is the most unique or “oddest” place that you have seen an ad?
This ad was above a urinal. Attention getting ad? Why or why not?
Media Planning Focus on consumer behaviour Create plans that reflect the purchase process (Chapter 3) Influence consumer in the marketplace Study media choices Listening and viewing habits
8-5 Media Planning An advertisement by New Balance placed in Runner’s World magazine by the media planner.
Components of a Media Plan Marketing analysis Advertising analysis Media strategy Media schedule Justification and summary See course website for a document containing more detail
Factors that have changed the role of Media IMC – more than just mass advertising now Cost factors Technology Globalization Complexity of the media function Profitability
Media Selection Factors Reasons as to why certain media are selected: Organizational Objectives Target market(s) Costs Message Theme Constraints Product/Service considerations
F I G U R E 8. 5 Developing Logical Combinations of Media - Table 8.9
Advertising Terminology Reach Number in target audience exposed Typically 4-week period Frequency Average number of exposures Opportunities to see (OTS) Cumulative exposures Placements x frequency Gross rating points (GRPs) Measures impact of intensity of media plan Vehicle rating x OTS (number of insertions)
Advertising Terminology Costs Cost per thousand (CPM) CPM allows for cost comparisons Ratings and Cost per Rating Point (CPRP) Ratings measure percent of target market exposed by medium CPRP allows for comparison across media Cost of media buy / vehicle’s rating Weighted CPM Impressions Gross impressions – total audience exposed to ad Continuity Continuous campaign Pulsating campaign Flighting (or discontinuous) campaign
Table 8.1
Ad Campaign Continuity Continuous campaign Advantages: Serves as a constant reminder to the customer Covers the entire buying cycle Disadvantages: Higher costs Potential for overexposure
Flighting Campaign Advantages: Cost efficiency of advertising, only used during purchase cycles Allows for more than one medium or vehicle on limited budgets Disadvantages: Lack of awareness, interest, retention or promotional message during non-scheduled times – could lead to decay
Pulsating Campaign Advantages: Same as the two previous methods Disadvantage: Not required for seasonal products, or other cyclical products, therefore adding to organization’s expenses
Selecting Media o Television o Radio o Transit o Billboard o Outdoor o Internet o Magazines o Newspapers o Direct Mail o Alternate media
How Important Is Advertising to Magazines? The chart below shows the top five magazines and the percentage of their revenues generated by advertising, subscriptions and newsstand sales
Achieving Advertising Objectives 1. Three-exposure hypothesis Intrusion value Takes a minimum of three exposures for an ad to be effective Effective frequency – number of times that one must be exposed to message to achieve its objective Effective reach - % of target market that must be exposed to ad to achieve its objective Size, placement, length of ad are factors to consider Number of media used is important (variability)
Achieving Advertising Objectives 2. Recency theory One exposure may be enough Effective the closer to a purchase States that consumers use selective retention when they consider ads. Advertising is a waste of money when intended market is not reached
Achieving Advertising Objectives o Media Multiplier Effect o The combined impact of using two or more media is stronger than using either medium alone o Often the reason for using several different media o This ensures a broader effective reach
F I G U R E 8. 8 U.S. Advertising Expenditures by Media for Coca-Cola
Advertising Expenditures by Category Source: Based on “100 Leading National Advertisers,” Advertising Age, (June 25, 2007), p. 9. CategoryTotal MagazinesNewspapersOutdoorTelevisionRadioInternet Automotive$ %25.4%1.7%50.4%7.8%3.7% Retail$ %35.4%2.0%33.8%11.2%6.6% Telecommunications$ %19.8%2.5%48.7%7.1%13.6% Financial services$ %21.8%2.8%36.3%8.3%17.0% Food, beverages, candy$ %0.7%1.1%64.2%4.5%1.8% Restaurants$ %3.5%4.5%78.4%10.1%0.9% Apparel$ %2.0%1.0%19.8%0.7%1.3%