Prof. D. Zhou UT Dallas Analog Circuits Design Automation 1
Kharitonov Theorem Read the paper “Worst Case Analysis of Linear Analog Circuit Performance Based on Kharitonov’s Rectangle”. “Performance Robustness Analysis of VLSI Circuits with Process Variations Based on Kharitonov’s Theorem”. Analog Circuits Design Automation 2
Kharitonov Theorem Kharitonov’s rectangle provides the geometric meaning of four corresponding polynomials See Figure 1 Analog Circuits Design Automation 5
Kharitonov Theorem Apply it to the Bode plot of an Op-Amp See figure 3 Analog Circuits Design Automation 8
Kharitonov Theorem Homework Write the transfer function H(s) for the following circuit Find the Kharitononov’s polynomials for both N(s) and D(s) Find max/min of |H(s)| and Arg|H(s)| Analog Circuits Design Automation 9