Moving from Fear to Faith: The Bifocals of Faith Genesis 12 Message 1 of 2 Sunday, November 6, 2011 Speaker: Bill McRae
Peter Marshall Former Chaplain, US Senate
GENESIS 12:1-3 THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT A. “Get Out” From …… To….. The Promise:– a great nation – a great man – a great name
GENESIS 12:1-3 THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT B. “Be a Blessing” The Promise:– “I will bless…” – “I will curse…” – “All families…”
It was a call to step out into the unknown and be a blessing - It seems RISKY Has God ever asked you to do something like this? Your Answer? FEAR …or… FAITH NOTES - It seems RIDICULOUS
GENESIS 12:4-9 A. He Stepped Out in Faith “not knowing where he was going” Hebrews 11:8 B. He was a Blessing He was not driven by feelings –FEAR but by faith in a God who promised to guide him. AND GOD DID AND MORE! ……..(the land vs.7)
Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you always……. Isaiah 42:16 I will lead the blind….. Psalm 48:14: For this God is our God forever and ever, He will be our guide even to the end. The Promise of His Guidance NOTES
The Means of Guidance Scriptures – Psalm 119:105; Prov. 1:5 NOTES Prayer – Acts 10:9 D esires of your heart – Ps. 37:4 Circumstances – 2 Cor. 2:12 Godly counsel – Prov. 15:22; 19:20
Some Perspectives on Guidance 1. It’s hard to discern without bifocals NOTES 2. It may seem risky/ridiculous 3. It is often confirmed 4. It comes in steps – Prov. 20:24 ; Gen. 24:27; Remember 1 Peter 1:7 5. It is resisted by FEAR ( Scene 3 - Gen 12:10-19 The Failure of Faith driven by fear.)
“For 20 years the one prayer of my life: To go as I am led To go when I am led To go where I am led.” A.T. Pierson
Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand; But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand. Stamphill