Effective Use of Modelling Books To Support Making an OTJ Lucie Cheeseman
Recording of Learning Intention This does not have to be the first thing that happens. Most important aspect of this is that the learning intention is unpacked, discussed and explored. E.g. new language or symbols explained and defined so that common understanding is achieved. The context or purpose of the LI should be considered and discussed, why do we need to learn this, how can we learn this, what do we need to know before ( knowledge check)
Use of Pictures Words and Symbols (KC) Record the Materials Stage This can be in the form of pictures and symbols and should be a part of every session regardless of the age or ability of children. examples of this would be drawing or photocopying tens frames, drawing finger patterns, drawing place value materials and labelling where necessary, including recording and use of empty number lines, drawing fly flips etc.
Formative Assessment The recording of children’s contributions and learning is one of the most important and powerful aspects of using a modelling book. Develop a coding system
Formative Assessment cont…. Capture student voice – what might this look like? How much? When?
Making an OTJ: Overall teacher judgements of achievement and progress involve combining information from a variety of sources, using a range of approaches. Evidence may be gathered through the following three ways: Conversing with the student to find out what they know, understand and can do. Observing the process a student uses. Gathering the results from formal assessments, including standardised tools. This 'triangulation' of information increases the dependability of the OTJ. Fact sheet 7: Overall Teacher Judgement, MOE, 2010.
Observation of Process Evidence gained from informal assessment opportunities: Learning Conversations Evidence arising from Learning Conversations: Test Outcomes Evidence gained from assessment tools, including standardised tools: Focussed Classroom Observation Student books and tasks Modelling books Student peer assessment Gloss and IKAN Conferencing Interviewing Questioning Explaining Discussing PAT NumPA/SEA E-asTTle/AsTTle V4 GLoSS and IKAN Overall Teacher Judgement Sources of evidence to support OTJ:
PAT AsTTle Portfolios Exemplars Sample books Teacher-made tests Interactive Observing Questioning Listening Discussion The Healthy Pyramid Practice Classroom Assessment Information Source Use Little Use Some Use Lots For STRENGTH of information, use multiple samplings from multiple sources. NZEI Te Riu Roa and Lester Flockton, Aligned to learning goals
What are the implications for your school? What are you currently doing well? What aspects of the modelling book might need further development? How would you start or refine this process in your school? What further support do you need in this area?
A PD Model Initial Observation of Lead Teacher modelling how to use a modelling book most effectively. Timeline explicitly shared. Staff meeting / development focussed on OTJ process and the use of modelling books to inform this process. QLC with every teacher.
Observation Format CriteriaObservationsQuestions Sharing of Learning Intention, Timing, Context, Purpose, Language Written Recording, Use of Pictures Words and Symbols Formative Assessment Coding system, student voice Evidence Future Planning
Tips for Success Create a toolbox. Date each session. Use of Group / Student Profiles. Use for both Knowledge and Strategy. Be prepared to be flexible.