September 2000 (A.J. Knafel) HL7 User Group Switzerland
September 2000 (A.J. Knafel) HL7 User Group Switzerland HL7 User Group Switzerland (HL7 UGCH) constituted on 17 th August Objective: Promotion, distribution and further development of the HL7 standard in Swiss health care. Original representation: –Users (hospitals): 4. –Vendors (HIS/LIMS, diagnostics): 8. Contacts: –President: Ingo de Vries –Vice-president: Andrzej J. Knafel
September 2000 (A.J. Knafel) HL7 User Group Switzerland Organizational status of HL7 UGCH: –Established: constitution, regulations and operation procedures. –Agreed upon financial aspects. –Started implementing infrastructure: board of directors, bank account, mail address, web site, membership applications, etc. –Proposal of first project: „HL7 implementation guide for Switzerland.“
September 2000 (A.J. Knafel) HL7 User Group Switzerland Healthcare information systems in Switzerland* –HIS/LIS: ~5 major vendors. ~300 installations. Vendors partially Swiss partially from Germany and France. –Physician office software: 2 major vendors. –Situation in healthcare informatics standards: Generally: low grade of standardization UN/EDIFACT (financial transactions, but w/o attachments) DICOM ASTM E.1394 (laboratory) CEN TC 251 (used implementations not known) HL7 (see next page) –Goverment program to establish nationwide EPR until 2003 * Inofficial iformation based on opinions of HL7 UGCH members.
September 2000 (A.J. Knafel) HL7 User Group Switzerland HL7 situation in Swiss healthcare* –Minimum 7 major hospitals (including most opinion leaders) commited to HL7 and are in various implementation stages. –Current focus is on Patient Data and ADT messages transferred within clinics and among clinics and hospitals. –Later planned: Financial transactions Orders and observations Master files –Significant potential in connecting Physician Offices (GP). * Inofficial iformation based on opinions of HL7 UGCH members.