Skin Cancer BY: Taylor Lawrence
Description Skin Cancer- cancer that forms in the tissues of the skin Actinic Keratosis- This cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Its is caused by UV rays from the sun and creates scaly or crusty lesions on the skin. These lesions typically appear in the face, lips, a bald scalp and the back of the hands. More than 58 million people a year are diagnosed with this type of cancer. Also depending on your complexion or where you live, can minimize or increase your chance of contracting this type of cancer. Melanoma-This is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. When skin has unrepaired DNA damage to the skin cells cancerous growths develop and triggers mutations which causes tumors. Most melanomas resemble moles or can form from them. While they are usually black or brown in color, it can be white, pink, red, blue, purple or flesh color. Theses Melanomas are mainly caused by UV radiation and effect over 120,000 people a year. If this cancer is caught early it can be treated but if not the cancer can be fatal.
Causes Actinic Keratosis: This type of cancer is caused by chronic exposure to the sun and its U.V rays. Old age is also a factor due to the fact that the U.V we gather over the years can still affect us. Melanoma: Heredity Weak immune system Sun exposure People with fairer complexions
Symptoms Actinic Keratosis: Rough, dry, or scaly patches of skin less than 1 in. in diameter. Itching or burning in the affected area Varied skin colors from red to brown or flesh colored Melanoma: A sore that does not heal Redness or swelling beyond pigment border Change in the surface of a mole ex: scales or oozing Change in pigment from border of a spot to surrounding skin
Prevention Actinic Keratosis: Avoid tanning and U.V booths Apply sunscreen before going outside Do not burn Seek shade between 10 am and 4 pm Melanoma: Examine skin every month Cover up with clothing Do not burn body See physician yearly
Treatment/ Cures Actinic Keratosis: Medicated creams and solutions Cryosurgery Chemical peeling Laser surgery Melanoma: Types of surgeries: Mohs Micrographic surgery Surgical Excision/resection Outpatient/ office surgery
References information/melanoma information/melanoma information/actinic-keratosis/what-causes-actinic- keratosis information/actinic-keratosis/what-causes-actinic- keratosis keratosis/basics/symptoms/con keratosis/basics/symptoms/con