Why We Fight: Frank Capra and “…the best damn documentary films ever made.” Shannon Weiss
A Brief Background Seven-part film series: Prelude to War The Nazis Strike Divide and Conquer The Battle of Britain The Battle of Russia The Battle of China War Comes to America
Research Question Were Frank Capra’s documentary films one of the pioneer creations in United States propaganda filmmaking?
The Inspiration Triumph of the Will: Leni Riefenstahl 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg Nazi Propaganda This film “…fired no gun, dropped no bombs. But as a psychological weapon aimed at destroying the will to resist, it was just as lethal.” - Frank Capra
Propaganda Techniques Racial stereotyping to create a strong sense of good vs. evil Presenting fiction-as-fact
Propaganda Techniques, cont. Sweeping generalizations Incorporating different media elements: Animation Newsreel footage Production footage
Symbol of the American Mindset of World War II Propaganda techniques evidence of a racially-charged American society: Racial stereotyping Direct contrast between good and evil
Historical Relevance Laid the groundwork for future wartime propaganda films Propaganda films implemented in Vietnam War: Why Vietnam? The Unique War Vietnamese Village Reborn
Conclusions Why We Fight one of pioneer propaganda film series in the U.S. during World War II Used new propaganda techniques Shown throughout the Allied world Paved way for future U.S. propaganda films
Sources: Capra, Frank. The Name Above the Title. Footage from Why We Fight and Triumph of the Will. Fyne, Robert. The Hollywood Propaganda of World War II. German, Kathleen M. “Frank Capra’s Why We Fight Series and the American Audience.” Koppes, Clayton R., and Gregory D. Black. Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies. Springer, Claudia. “Military Propaganda: Defense Department Films from World War II and Vietnam.”