Physical Education Objectives Students will learn to do a correctly full push up Students will learn to do a correctly full sit up Students will perform the National Fitness Test South Carolina Standards K.1.1, K. 1.2, K. 1.3,
The Perfect Push Up What is a perfect push up? How Far down should you go when doing a push up? Should your muscles hurt after doing a perfect push up?
The perfect Push Up Cont. *Answers The perfect push up for males consist of the hands being shoulder width apart, and your butt should be lined up with your back, not pointing in the air. When doing a push up, you do not have to go all the way down, but you do want to go down far enough to where your elbows are pointing upward, and far from your back. When doing the perfect push up your muscles should not hurt right afterwards, but if you continuously do them, you will witness some sort of soreness.
The Perfect Sit- up What is a perfect Sit up? Should my stomach be sore after doing push ups?
The Perfect Sit Up Cont. * Answers The Perfect Sit up Consist of putting both hands behind the head, and pulling your self up allowing your chest to touch your knees. Usually after doing sit ups your stomach shouldn’t hurt, unless you over work your self, but depending on the amount you do, reveals whether you will witness any soreness or not.