SALTING THE OATS ENGAGING FACULTY IN “IT” BY ENGAGING STUDENTS KENTON ADLER LYON COLLEGE BATESVILLE, AR Copyright Kenton Adler, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Kenton Adler Lyon College P.O. Box 2317 Batesville, AR 72503
A little about Lyon
THE PROBLEM: How do I convince my faculty to embrace the use of technology to support classroom teaching?
Reasons against IT: The I yi yi yis I don’t have time to learn to use technology IT’s too difficult to incorporate IT changes too fast and I can’t keep up IT depersonalizes teaching IT encourages students to not attend class I don’t want someone telling me how to teach my class
Reasons FOR: IT’s not as hard as everyone seems to think – a book is information technology (just an older form). IT tends to be evolutionary and builds on what you already know Allows for 24/7 access to the information Allows for ubiquitous access to the professor Encourages reticent students to participate via discussion group Can open time for for active learning in the classroom (pre-class quizzes ensure preparation for more effective class time) Changes learning from passive to active and makes the professor a facilitator rather than a performer (sage to guide). Education is something you’re involved in, not something that happens to you. Allows for more responsibility to be placed on the student to learn the material No one is telling them how to teach, just helping to teach more effectively There are going to be computers in the workplace. Students NEED this stuff
How do you get them involved if they just absolutely refuse ? You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. However, you CAN salt the oats.
Finding Solutions: I Communication - Meet with administration and form a strategy. Make sure infrastructure and financial resources are in place. In our case (Arkansas independent colleges), the formation of a consortium was a critical factor. It allowed us more power both in terms of finances and know-how. Communication again - Talk to faculty and see where they stand. Communication AGAIN -Talk to students and find out what they need.
Engage the pioneering faculty as mentors for their colleagues. Provide periodic training and refreshers, and stress pedagogical perspectives rather than technological. How you use the available technology is more important than what technology is made available. Find out how available technology can meet the constituents’ needs. II
Make it MANDATORY for all incoming freshmen to have some form of on-line orientation to IT and Library resources. In four years, the majority of the student body will have had some experience with IT and will see the value of it. During the entire process they question why resources like this aren’t available from all their professors. Present a compelling format Demonstrate cutting edge technology Demonstrate practical applications of the available technology Manage the course online – CMS allows instant feedback CREATE good Netizens III
Results: Assessment is an important part of success. What does the faculty want to accomplish, and how can I help? Recent Lyon survey of faculty with regard to satisfaction with IT. Approx 20% responded. Majority use computing resources from 3-5 hours a day 100% of respondents use and THAT’s IT 80% of respondents are using course management 100% are at least somewhat familiar with our computing use policies Most believe use of technology will increase in the next 3-5 years All are satisfied with overall IT resources currently available
“As far as I can tell, freshmen are very comfortable with using Educator--most complaints come from upper classpersons who did not have a technology literacy background. However, all students were very positive about having their grades entered into Educator and being able to consult them at any time. Many really liked the freedom to take exams in the comfort of their rooms or the lab--but we can do that because of the honor code. I would not have set up exams that way back in Kansas! I am noticing more students asking why some professors don't use more on-line resources, so their expectations--whether because of the LIT requirement or because of high school--are certainly greater in the area of learning technology. The main point--which the TLMs here have reiterated many times is that the technology works best when it works for the professor rather than the professor working for it!” Dr. Paul Custodio Bube Religion and Philosophy Lyon College
Emphasize that IT enhances teaching, it does not replace teaching.