Structure of Aquatic Ecosystems
Relative importance of allochthonous versus autochthonous sources of nutrients sediments organic matter (dissolved and particulate)
Productivity within a Watershed Wetland very productive Terrestrial systems moderately productive Aquatic systems least productive
Zones of a Lake
Zones of a Reservoir
Zonation of Littoral Vegetation
Categories of Aufwuchs Epiphytic Epipelic Episammic Epilithic
Trophic Structure Primary Producers Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers (carnivores) Decomposers
Food Web
River Continuum
Productivity Rate at which energy enters one trophic level from a lower trophic level.
Efficiency Energy transfers not very efficient because of dissipation through metabolism, etc. Also, mechanisms of energy transfer not inherently efficient. For example photosynthesis is less than 1% efficient in water.
Diversity Complexity of a community
Relative Sizes
Biomass Ways to determine: Volume and number Weight –fresh and dry Oxidize living matter to CO2 Total ATP For primary producers, extract chlorophylls
Production New organic mass per unit of time Σ [new organic biomass - respiration -excretion - secretion – injury – death – grazing]
Energy Flow in an Ecosystem