P RESIDENT’S R EPORT Andrew Hugine, Jr., Ph.D. Board of Trustees Meeting September 27, 2007 S OUTH C AROLINA S TATE U NIVERSITY
Comparative Data on 1890 Universities (2005) MainGrad RateStatePct PellSizeSector South Carolina State University46.80%SC70.30%3,669Public Florida Agricultural And Mechanical University44.50%FL55.10%9,759Public Tennessee State University44.20%TN56.60%6,261Public Alcorn State University43.70%MS77.70%2,771Public University Of Maryland-Eastern Shore41.80%MD51.80%3,255Public Virginia State University40.70%VA59.20%4,151Public Lincoln University Of Pennsylvania40.40%PA70%1,673Public North Carolina A & T State University39.50%NC51%9,149Public Delaware State University35.10%DE52.10%3,111Public Alabama A & M University32%AL72.30%4,770Public Prairie View A & M University31.30%TX54.50%5,327Public University Of Arkansas At Pine Bluff30.30%AR75.30%2,931Public Southern University And A & M College26.60%LA72%8,278Public Fort Valley State University25.10%GA68.50%1,814Public West Virginia State University22.80%WVN/A2,762Public Kentucky State University20.80%KY53.40%1,822Public The indicators are graduation rate for 2005 (First-Time Freshmen enrolled Fall 1998), location of the college/university, percentage of undergraduates receiving a Pell grant, sector.
2000 Cohort Graduation Rate Information of Full-time, First time Degree Seeking Freshmen for 4-year South Carolina Institutions (Completers in 150% of Normal Time) Research UniversitiesGraduation Rate Clemson75.1% USC – Columbia62.8% Sub total Research Universities69.5% Teaching Colleges & Universities The Citadel71.3% Coastal Carolina University42.3% College of Charleston60.7% Francis Marion University38.0% Lander University40.5% South Carolina State University53.8% USC – Aiken40.0% USC - Beaufort USC - Upstate35.5% Winthrop University58.0% Sub total51.6% Total59.5%
Percent Pell Grant Recipients South Carolina Research and Teaching Universities Headcount Enrollment Degree Seeking Full-Time Number of Students Degree Seeking Full-Time Receiving Pell Percentage of Degree Seeking Receiving Pell RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS Clemson University 8,793 1,435 16% USC Columbia 12,163 3,233 27% Medical University of SC % TEACHING INSTITUTIONS The Citadel % Coastal Carolina University 2,696 1,000 37% College of Charleston 5,254 1,178 22% Francis Marion University 2,718 1,216 45% Lander University 2, % SC State University 2,701 1,870 69% USC Aiken 2, % USC Beaufort % USC Upstate 3,109 1,263 41% Winthrop University 3,957 1,341 34%
U.S. News.com: America’s Best Colleges 2008 Economic Diversity Among All National Universities Economic diversity has received growing attention in higher education, particularly at elite schools that haven't traditionally enrolled large numbers of low-income students or students from low-income families. This table shows the percentage of undergraduates receiving federal Pell grants for low-income students. The proportion of students on Pell grants, which are most often given to undergrads with family incomes under $20,000, isn't a perfect measure of an institution's efforts to achieve economic diversity: A college might enroll a large number of students just above the Pell cutoff, for instance, and percentages at public universities may reflect the wide variation from state to state in the number of qualified low-income students. Still, many experts say that Pell figures are the best available gauge of how many low-income undergrads there are on a given campus. Pell grant percentages were calculated using data on grant recipients collected by the U.S. Dept. of Education and fall 2005 total undergraduate enrollment collected from the colleges themselves.
Economic Diversity Among All National Universities Top Tenth Institution Percentage of Undergraduates Receiving Pell Grants University of La Verne (CA)90% Jackson State University (MS)74% South Carolina State University69% Polytechnic University (NY)58% Tennessee State University54% University of Texas–El Paso54% Texas A&M Univ.–Kingsville52% Univ. of Southern Mississippi50% Utah State University50% North Carolina A&T State Univ.49%
Economic Diversity Among All National Universities Bottom Tenth InstitutionPercentage of Undergraduates Receiving Pell Grants Duke University (NC)9% George Washington University (DC)9% Lehigh University (PA)9% Rice University (TX)9% Tufts University (MA)9% University of Notre Dame (IN)9% Yale University (CT)9% College of William and Mary (VA)8% University of Delaware8% Princeton University (NJ)7% University of Virginia7% Wake Forest University (NC)7% Washington University in St. Louis6% Univ. of South Carolina–Columbia22% Clemson University (SC)14% Other Schools of Interest Website:
Accreditation of Degree-Granting Programs Areas Eligible for Accreditation Areas with one or More Programs Accredited % Accredited Clemson15 100% USC Columbia27 100% MUSC16 100% The Citadel4375% Coastal Carolina University5480% College of Charleston8788% Francis Marion University6583% Lander University7686% SC State University141393% USC – Aiken44100% USC – Beaufort20Programs approved 2004 USC - Upstate55100% Winthrop University14 100%
Full Time Headcount Faculty with Terminal Degrees as defined by SACS Research UniversitiesPercent Clemson97.1% USC – Columbia79.5% MUSC99.0% Sub total Research Universities88.1% Teaching Colleges & Universities The Citadel95.0% Coastal Carolina University94.2% College of Charleston86.1% Francis Marion University86.2% Lander University85.7% South Carolina State University95.5% USC – Aiken84.0% USC - Beaufort82.8% USC - Upstate79.2% Winthrop University88.9% Sub total Teaching Colleges & Univ.88.5%
Percentage of Minority Faculty Fall 2006 Research UniversitiesTotal MinorityTotal FacultyPercentage of Minority Clemson1681, % USC – Columbia2321, % MUSC % Sub total Research Universities4433, % Teaching Colleges & Universities The Citadel % Coastal Carolina University % College of Charleston % Francis Marion University % Lander University % *South Carolina State University % USC – Aiken % USC - Beaufort % USC - Upstate % Winthrop University % Sub total Teaching Colleges & Univ.5523, % *White Non Hispanic 65 or 21.24%
Faculty Salaries YEAR RANK Fall 2006Fall 2007 Professor SCSU Average$66,193$74,494 SECTOR Average$70,261$72,369* Associate Professor SCSU Average$60,283$63,827 Sector Average$59,623$61,412* Assistant Professor SCSU Average$51,137$55,444 Sector Average$50,505$52,021* * Estimated based on institutions within the sector increasing salaries by 3%
Five Year Salary Comparison Teaching University Sector RANKFall 2003 SCSU Average Fall 2003 Sector Average Fall 2004 SCSU Average Fall 2005 SCSU Average Fall 2006 SCSU Average Fall 2007 SCSU Average Fall 2007 Sector Average * Per Change Sector * Percent Change SCSU Professor$55,282$60,333$62,599$64,848$66,193$74,894$72,36920%35.5% Associate Professor $51,394$52,819$56,815$58,297$60,283$63,827$61, %24.2% Assistant Professor $44,375$44,094$47,811$49,066$51,137$55,444$52,02118%25% *Projected based on a 3% increase
Note: FY 03 and FY 05 include building funds for the James E. Clyburn University Transportation Center
Grant Award May 1, 2007 – September 27, 2007 Project Title PI Last Name PI First NameAgencyAmount Calhoun/Orangeburg Counties Transit Feasibility StudyWhitneyThomas Lower Savannah Council of Government$50,000 Developing A Sustainable Cometary Research Program in AstrobiologyWalterDonaldNASA$10,000 Summer Feeding ProgramMartinSteve United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)$37,848 Rural Entrepreneurial Outreach Development ProgramWhitesideLouisUSDA $ 99,000 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership UniversityLewisKennethDOE/Idaho Field Office $ 100,000 DOD/ONR Laboratory Instrumentation for Energy ResearchLewisKennethDept of the Army $ 262,325 South Carolina State NEP ScholarshipsLewisKennethNuclear Regulatory Commission $ 42,696 Center for Energy ResearchLewisKenneth United States Department of Education $ 198,423 Institutions for Students in Nuclear ScienceLewisKenneth United States Department of Education $ 89,337 SCSU RSA Administrators TrainingStatenDavid United States Department of Education $ 271,650 RUI Surface Engineered Nanoparticles to Inhibit Protein AggregationMahtabRahinaNational Science Foundation $ 127,488 Expansion & Enhancement of NEPLewisKenneth US Nuclear Regulatory Commission $ 120,000
Creating An Effective Compliance ProcessTealRitaSouthern Education Foundation $ 15,000 High School Students Summer Nuclear InstituteLewisKennethUS Department of Education $ 89,337 Summer Nuclear Science Institute for High School Guidance CounselorsLewisKenneth US Nuclear Regulatory Commission $ 170,326 Educational Opportunity CentersAburimeTony United States Department of Education $ 226,000 Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate ProgramsAburimeTony United States Department of Education $ 354,908 TRIO - Student Support ServicesScottSandra United States Department of Education $ 235,689 Enhancement of NEP at SCSU/Global Energy PartnershipLewisKenneth US Department of Energy Idaho Field Office $ 100,000 Rehabilitation Long Term Training - Rehabilitation CounselingStatenDavid United States Department of Education $ 150,000 Personnel Development Collaboration: Project CreateMcIntyreLeonard South Carolina department of Education $ 33,385 Project CreateMcIntyreLeonard South Carolina Department of Education $ 126,086 4-K Expansion Program / First StepsLittlejohnSheila "SC First Step" scgov. $ 78,620 HBCU-UPCarpenterCarl National Science Foundation (NSF) $ 499,433 Talent Search ProgramAburimeTony United States Department of Education $ 226,600 Total Amount Funded to Date$3,714,151
South Carolina State University$25,535,284 College of Charleston$9,351,476 University of South Carolina - Upstate$6,866,073 Winthrop University$5,548,926 Coastal Carolina$5,494,217 Francis Marion University$4,780,671 University of South Carolina - Aiken$3,855,709 Lander University$3,217,450 Citadel Military College of South Carolina$2,084,826 University of South Carolina - Beaufort$981,658 Federal Operating Grants and Contracts ( )
Alumni Giving And Giving Rate Three Year Comparison FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007AverageAverage Thurgood Marshall College Fund HBCU* Alumni Giving Rate 5.7%7.2%8%6.96%5.6% Alumni Giving $1,031,069$848,338$936,448$ $514,314 *Source: TMCF 2006 Annual Report
Profile of 2007 First-time Freshmen (Preliminary Enrollment) Fall 2006Fall 2007 Enrollment * Average SAT Average SAT Females Average SAT Males Average High School GPA** *FIRST-TIME FRESHMEN ENROLLMENT UP 50% RATIO OF MALES TO FEMALES UniversityFreshman Class Female58%50.6% Male42%49.4% ** In a study reported by the College Board in its Research Notes entitled “The SAT I and High School Grades: Utility in Predicting Success in College,” high school GPA had a validity coefficient of.59 or r2 of 35%, SAT had a coefficient of.56 or 31%, and combined, SAT and HSGPA had a coefficient of.65 or 42%. The report concludes that “overall, high school grades predict freshman GPA slightly better than do SAT scores.” However, the combination of SAT and high school grades is better, even though SAT scores add very little explanatory power of success beyond High School GPA alone.
U.S News And World Report College Rankings Carnegie Classified National Universities RANKINGSREPRESENTATIVE UNIVERSITIES SOUTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITIES HBCUS Top Universities (Tier 1) Princeton Harvard University Yale University Stanford University University of Pennsylvania University of Virginia Top Universities (Tier 2) University of Delaware Michigan State University North Carolina State University Florida State University Ohio University Clemson University (67) University of South Carolina (112) Howard University (96) Tier 3Ball State University George Mason Kent State University Old Dominion University Rutgers Seton Hall South Carolina State University Tier 4East Carolina University East Tennessee State University Georgia State University Indiana State University Wayne State University Clark Atlanta University Florida A & M University Jackson State University Morgan State University North Carolina A&T State University Tennessee State University Note: Tier 3 and Tier 4 Universities are listed in the rankings alphabetically. Website:
Washington Monthly Rankings
South Carolina State University