HORMONE BALANCE© Introduction, Class 1 of 5 Young Living Connect, LLC
HISTORY 1938: DES developed by Sir Charles Dodd, commonly prescribed during pregnancy to prevent miscarriages or premature deliveries 5-10 million exposed from 1938 – 1971 9 out of 10 daughters of women who took DES had deformed reproductive systems 50% would never conceive One out of seven contracted a rare and often fatal cancer called adenocarcinoma; Also linked to rare form of testicular cancer in sons 1942: Premarin developed by Ayerst Laboratories Put on market one year AFTER study published in Cancer Research Reported: “Estrogen is a very important factor in cervical carcinogenesis.”
HISTORY 1970’s: Premarin considered gold standard for hormone replacement 1975: Clinical studies reported link between synthetic horse estrogen in Premarin and uterine cancers. Wyeth-Ayerst required by FDA to put black-box warning on package inserts Many believed it should have been pulled from the market! *****Changed their tactics: Premarin (synthetic estrogen) + Progestin, also known as Provera (synthetic progesterone) Called it PREMPRO
HISTORY 1993-1998: NIH drug trial: Women’s Health Initiative, 16,608, 50-79 y/o women participated 2000-2001: Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) found no statistical problems and to continue the study 2001: National Cancer Institute and NIH: opinion dramatically contrasted above 2002: Abruptly ended study – found significant invasive breast cancers
HISTORY 2002: Journal of American Medical Association study published: 26% increase in breast cancers 2003: Women over 65 had increased risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s on Premarin 2004: Journal of the National Cancer Institute: 54% increased risk of ovarian cancer
HRT vs. BHRT Bio-Identical Hormones: The Keys that Fit Receptor site for progesterone does not recognize estrogen or testosterone, only the molecular structure of progesterone; Bio-identical hormones are identical to human hormones, have 100% relative binding affinity (RBA)…no side effects. They fit perfectly unlike synthetic hormones. Over 400 abstracts (studies) on safety and efficacy of BHRT
Your Endocrine System Cholesterol: single building block molecule from which all hormones are derived; the body makes hormones from nutrients with the help of enzymes Pituitary and hypothalamus: regulate flow of all hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Also directly interacts with neurotransmitters that regulate mood.
Your Endocrine System Thyroid: (<97.8 hypothyroidism) produce TSH, T3, T4 and thyroid peroxidase, known for affecting weight Adrenal glands: (<118 = adrenal fatigue) produce hormones and regulate sympathetic nervous system; secrete 3 hormones in response to stress: adrenaline, cortisol, DHEA (anti-aging hormone)
Sex Hormones Estrogen Develop female sex organs Develop secondary sex characteristics Maintain menstrual cycle Support growth and function of uterus Moisturize vagina and cervix Stimulate cell growth
Sex Hormones Progesterone Progesterone maintain uterus and prepare it for pregnancy promote survival of egg once fertilized stimulate bone building that can prevent or treat osteoporosis act as natural diuretic serve as natural antidepressant Progesterone foster calming effect on body Maintain libido promote regular sleep patterns oppose estrogen’s predisposition to promote cell growth so as to provide protection against uterine, breast and ovarian cancer as well as fibrocystic disease
Sex Hormones Testosterone Testosterone Boost sex drive Support feelings of arousal Promote sense of well-being Promote muscle strength and healthy body composition Testosterone Increase energy levels Increase body hair production Improve bone density Produce enlargement of penis and testes, as well as the clitoris
HORMONES DHEA Body’s most abundant circulating hormone DHEA production peaks by age 25 Drops dramatically each year thereafter By age 70 most people’s DHEA levels have declined by over 80%, leading to hormonal imbalances that can affect quality of life These kinds of imbalances also occur with other critical hormones in our aging bodies such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone www.lef.org
AGING Premenopause, mid 30’s Perimenopause, mid 40’s Almost all women are estrogen dominant DHEA drops 10% every decade after 30 years old Decline correlated with degenerative changes such as heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis Perimenopause, mid 40’s Progesterone declines even more significantly while estrogen becomes sporadic with high peaks. Testosterone drops Decreased sex drive, energy, muscle tone, Thinning of vaginal wall
AGING Post Menopause Menopause, late 40’s-50’s Progesterone drops to almost zero Some cases ovaries continue to produce significant amount of testosterone; Some estrogen from adrenal glands and body fat Frequently estrogen dominant which is risk for breast or uterine cancer Hair loss, weight gain, wrinkly skin, urinary incontinence, low sex drive, heart disease and osteoporosis Menopause, late 40’s-50’s Hasn’t had cycle for at least 12 months Not disease, just natural transition Affects all sex hormones Still continue to produce estrogen in ovaries Adrenal glands and body fat perpetuating estrogen dominance
AGING Andropause Decline in testosterone, progesterone and DHEA Increase in estrogen (estradiol) Believed by late John Lee, MD to be primary cause of prostate enlargement and cancer
Vicious Cycle of Hormone Imbalance Chronic stress Adrenal produce adrenaline and cortisol…too much too long Destroy healthy muscle and bone Slows healing and normal cell regeneration Impairs digestion Dulls mental processes Interferes with healthy endocrine function and weaken immune system Gain abdominal fat Body Fat Body fat is bad for hormone balance Conversely non balanced estrogen and progesterone predisposes you to gain weight. Fat cells produce even more estrogen
Vicious Cycle of Hormone Imbalance Synthetic hormone drugs Phytoestrogen Found to be potent anti-thyroid agents and add estrogen Hormonal pollutants Chlorine and fluoride in tap water ultimately raises estrogen Birth control pills
Vicious Cycle of Hormone Imbalance Phthalates: chemicals that soften plastic Toxic to reproductive system Found in toys New shower curtain smell Medical supplies (IV tubes and bags) Plastic food wrapping Fragrances Scented candles Phthalates Air fresheners Fabric softeners Perfumes Nail polish Soft plastics our food is wrapped in (frozen pizzas) Plastic water bottles
Vicious Cycle of Hormone Imbalance Xenoestrogens “foreign” Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals Estrogen Mimicking Molecules Pesticides Herbicides Plastics Fuels Car exhausts Drugs Hygiene products Room deodorizers Meats Dairy products. Affects reproductive, cognitive, thyroid, metabolism, digestion, hormone balance Gender bent fish and frogs; known for 10 year; sperm count decreased by 50% Fibroid cysts, cancer – Xenoestrogens cause cells to duplicate quickly Heart disease – causes arteriosclerosis (hardening) Past 60 years of chemicals; hormonal pollutants, steroids excreted by humans using HRT, birth control, agricultural run off, plastics, pesticides
ESTROGEN DOMINANCE Estrogen promotes cell proliferation…Progesterone inhibits cell proliferation! Increases risk of chronic diseases including cancer, cardiac disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s Breast cancer patients show higher estrogen levels than those without breast cancer Creates abdominal weight gain…fat cells produce even more estrogen Linked to migraine headaches, anxiety disorders, insomnia and decreased mental acuity No woman with or without a uterus or ovaries should ever take estrogen of any kind alone!
PROGESTERONE…to the rescue Research: Funded by AHA, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding; BHRT of progesterone was shown to relieve menopausal symptoms without compromising cardiac or vascular health. 2005 study in International Journal of Cancer; Progesterone actually decreases risk of breast cancer by 10%! Several studies showing progesterone is cancer protective, anticarcinogenic properties Studies validate progesterone has cardio-protective effect
PROGESTERONE…to the rescue Stimulates osteoblast cells…bone formation cells that result in new bone growth Using transdermal progesterone had 7-8% increase in bone density in first year 4-5% second year and 3-4% third year
PROGESTERONE…to the rescue Resolves PMS symptoms in 83% women included in study Tempers insulin release, normalizing blood sugar levels, thereby reducing food cravings Increases sex drive Improves quality of life: reduces sleep disorders, hot flashes, anxiety and symptoms of depression
BOOST ADRENAL SYSTEM Stress less, rest more Exercise The Relaxation Response, Dr. Benson of Harvard Medical School 10-20 minutes daily, close eyes, breathe in deeply nose, say “one”, then breathe out, say “one” Yoga
BOOST ADRENAL SYSTEM Eat to eliminate extra estrogen Cruciferous veggies: broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, celery, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, radish, turnip, collard and mustard greens Citrus fruits (D-limonene): promotes detoxification of estrogen…and lowers weight Insoluble fiber: (binds estrogen to it) whole grains, whole wheat breads, barley, couscous, brown rice, wheat bran, seeds, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, tomatoes Lignans: ground flaxseed, sesame seeds, flaxseed oil Eat organic
BOOST ADRENAL SYSTEM Supplements Go green B Vitamins Vitamin E Calcium-Magnesium combo: ratio of 1,500 mg. Ca+ to750 mg. Mg+ DHEA Go green Avoid plastics, check labels, and buy pure soaps and toothpastes and other personal care products
WHAT YOU CAN DO Progessence Cream (Natural Progesterone); rub ¼ tsp to body am and pm Prenolone + Cream (Natural Pregnenolone, Progesterone & DHEA) apply same as above Endogize; men 2 tab 3X daily, women 1 tab 3X daily EndoFlex; dilute 1:1 and apply to lower back, thyroid, kidneys, liver, feet, glandular areas; diffuse 30 minutes 3X daily, may take as dietary supplement, dilute with V-6 and take up to 3X daily
WHAT YOU CAN DO UltraYoung Oral Spray; 3 sprays in mouth Sulfurzyme and Super C taken together work synergistically to restore flexibility of vessels/cells Thyroid specific: if after 3 months on Endogize, if temp. below 97.8 then take 2 Thyromin at bedtime (if taken in morning works on adrenals)
RESOURCES Newsletter: www.hormonewell.com Newsletter: www.virginiahopkinstestkits.com Testing: www.mymedlab.com Salivary and Blood Spot Testing ZRT Laboratory: www.salivatest.com 503-466-2445
RESOURCES Life Extension® offers low cost blood test panels To order a comprehensive Male or Female Blood Test Panel, call 1-800-208-3444 Once you receive your blood test results, you can take them to your doctor or talk to a Life Extension Health Advisor at: 1-800-226-2370
RECOMMENDED READING Young, D. Gary. Pregnenolone, A Radical New Approach to Health Longevity, and Emotional Well-being. Lee, John R. Natural Progesterone, The Multiple Role of a Remarkable Hormone Lee, John R., with Virginia Hopkins. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause. Statements with claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.