STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP Low Wood Hotel, Ambleside 13 – 15 January 2009 Professor Paul Wellings Vice-Chancellor
GLOBAL CONTEXT Economic changes and perturbations International competition International sites for LU Degrees Relative market growth International League Tables
NATIONAL CONTEXT White paper 2009/10? Prospects for sector growth Fees review Skills and employability Volatility in R funds League Tables and Rankings
AN AMBITION FOR LANCASTER UNIVERSITY Capitalise on strong teaching, research and financial position to secure our position. By 2015: Number 1 in the North-West Top 10 in England Top 100 in the World
COMPOSITE UK LEAGUE TABLE )Oxford15921)Glasgow77 2)Cambridge15722)Aston66 3)LSE15023)Manchester64 4)Imperial14924)Birmingham61 5)St. Andrews14225)Sheffield60 Warwick26)Newcastle53 7)UCL13627)RHC49 8)Durham12828)Leeds48 9)York12429)Aberdeen42 10)Loughborough11830)Sussex41 11)Bath112UEA 12)Leicester10632)Cardiff40 13)Exeter10433)Surrey38 14)Lancaster10334)Dundee29 15)Edinburgh10135)Strathclyde28 16)KCL10036)Kent24 Nottingham37)Essex23 18)Bristol91Reading 19)SOAS9039)Queen’s Belfast19 Southampton40)Liverpool18 Based on positions in the Guardian, Independent, Sunday Times and Times League Tables (1 st = 40pts, 40 th = 1pt for each table)
EQUITY AND ACCESS - ISSUES 1)How is our widening participation work influencing outcomes on targets? 2)Is our work with schools aligned with government priorities? 3)Will increases to staff turnover rates create opportunities? 4)Have we improved our management of poor performance?
LANCASTER UNIVERSITY AGENDA A)Equity and Access B)Sustainable Development C)Quality of Instruction D)Quality of Research E)Engagement of Student Experience F)Use of Technology G)Transparent Management and Administration H)Process Drivers
A) EQUITY AND ACCESS Students Widening Participation Targets - Social Class - BME School Interactions Staff Age-related retirement Women in SET Turn-Over Rates
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - ISSUES 1)How do we collect and report data on environmental performance? 2)Can we reduce our footprint? 3)What new opportunities are there to improve the estate?
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE Number of Senior Staff by Level or Gender LEVEL FM%FFM FM FM Grade Grade Grade Professorial & Equivalent TOTAL
B) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Environment Energy Building Standards Footprint Capacity International Partnerships Impact of Research
ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Water : L x L x 10 3 Electricity : G Joules G Joules Gas : G Joules G Joules Recycling : –7.7% %
C) QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION NSS Assessment and Feedback Curriculum Reform Internationalisation of Curriculum Balance of Undergraduate and Masters provision
LEARNING AND TEACHING ISSUES 1.Have we improved our academic programme structures? 2.Have we achieved greater financial efficiency and sustainability in our courses? 3.Has teaching quality influenced student outcomes? 4.Have we optimised the use of IT in learning and teaching? 5.Are we attracting and retaining the highest quality students?
COURSE/DEGREE PORTFOLIO We need to do this for both undergraduate and post- graduate taught courses/modules Academic Reputation Builders Improve financial performance Limit number in portfolio Self Sustaining Academic Reputation Builders Grow Loss Makers Delete unless clear strategic purpose Income Generators Improve reputation High Low Academic Output (R & T) Net Financial Return
TECHNOLOGY TRENDS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING What are the trends for e-books and e-journals? What proportion of units of study have an associated web-site and tools?
D) QUALITY OF RESEARCH REF Pgr Volume External Funding Impact
U of ATop 5Rank Corrected GPA Cambridge50371 Oxford50362 Manchester KCL UCL49164 Imperial Bristol48157 Nottingham Sheffield Warwick29105 LSE1482 QMC29822 Durham30810 Leeds46811 Bath18720 St. Andrews2677 Cardiff34725 Edinburgh3976 Birmingham49720 Essex14618 Reading32617 Southampton33619 Lancaster2259 York25514 Newcastle38524 UNITS OF ASSESSMENT IN TOP 5
U of A excellence v Institutional excellence Depth/Diversity Intensity Depth/Diversity : UofA in Top 5 as a proportion of UofA submitted Intensity : Corrected for Institution
QR IS LIKELY TO BE DRIVEN BY THE MARKET SHARE OF 4* RESEARCH OUTPUTS 1)Lancaster has 1.53% market share 2)Ranked 20 th by volume 3)Expect this to be moderated by portfolio mix
THE SHORT TO MEDIUM TERM APPROACH TO ALLOCATING QR RESOURCES NEEDS TO ACHIEVE THREE THINGS : 1)Pre-adapt Lancaster for the REF - citations - impact - PhD volume 2)Maintain high quality U of A 3)Advance small number of units to increase Depth/Diversity score
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ISSUES 1)Does it matter that our research productivity depends on a small number of star researchers? 2)Should we be increasing the number of HiCi researchers? 3)How do we foster internal emerging talent? 4)How do we manage staff who don’t meet expectations on research output? 5)How do we change the balance of our research in time for the REF?
RESEARCH OUTPUTS 1 0 Cumulative number of academic staff Cumulative Research Outputs What proportion of staff produce 80% of outputs? Are there variations between faculties?
RESEARCH PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Mature Research Areas/Performers High Research Areas/Performers Low Research Areas/Performers New Research Areas/Performers CB DA Current Research Outputs Combination of publications, £ and PhD completions ContractingGrowing A: Invest in promising new areas B: Continued investment for growth C: Maintain D: Identify and Exit
E)ENGAGEMENT WITH STUDENT EXPERIENCE Value added to all categories of student (ug/pg, home/international, full time/part time) Graduate destinations Role of Colleges and Departments Better Information for Students
ENGAGEMENT WITH STUDENT EXPERIENCE - ISSUES 1)How can we optimise the student experience from prospective student to alumni? 2)Have we done enough to improve student administrative services? 3)Have we addressed the social and economic pressures faced by students? 4)Have we balanced the needs and expectations of all types of students? 5)Have we done enough work at the College/Department interface?
UNDERSTANDING STUDENT NEEDS SEGMENTSUnderstanding of needs Implementation of requirement Hm/eu u/g Hm/eu pgt pg research International Part-time Poor Excellent Is this view correct? Services could be better integrated? Variation in environment? Inadequate support?
F) USE OF TECHNOLOGY Web tools Web academic content Management data
USE OF TECHNOLOGY - ISSUES 1)How will new generation web tools contribute to productivity and efficiency? 2)What steps need to be taken to create a consistent website with greater market impact? 3)Are we using new technologies most effectively for internal communications (with staff and students)? 4)What are the impediments to creating and sustaining consistent management data?
G)TRANSPARENT MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Governance New Administrative Structure Staff turnover Faculty variations in staff attitude
TRANSPARENT MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION - ISSUES 1)Do Faculties have the appetite to continue reforming their T & R portfolios without changes to incentive structure? 2)Are we producing clear policies and consistently implementing all of them? 3)What is the scale of productivity and efficiency change flowing out of the Administrative review? 4)Have we established governance structures capable of managing the scale of risks now confronting the sector in the medium term?
H) PROCESS DRIVERS Next Generation KPIs Funding and fund raising Funding structures Funding strategy
PROCESS DRIVERS - ISSUES 1)Is our finance strategy resilient and capable of maintaining a sustainable position as growth slows? 2)Are we still focussed on new growth opportunities? 3)What changes are needed in funding incentives to deliver on our targets? 4)Are we sufficiently organised to deliver a campaign for our 50 th anniversary? 5)What KPIs are at the core of our revised strategy?
DONATIONS Secured philanthropic donations (includes confirmed pledges) £420,000£1,749,000£2,011,000£3,668,000 Philanthropic cash received £582,000£622,000£1,318,000£1,521,000 University-wide philanthropic income* secured and received Data source: Lancaster University Ross-CASE Survey submission *Philanthropic income defined according to the Ross-CASE survey guidelines. Data sets are not strictly comparable due to changes in defining industry standards. Please refer to Fiona Aiken for further information.
INCOME 2003/042004/052005/062006/072007/08 Funding Council Grants Tuition Fees Research Grant and Contracts17 15 O O I Endowment Income EXPENDITURE 2003/042004/052005/062006/072007/08 Staff Costs (Recurrent) Staff Costs (Restructuring)00000 Depreciation55655 O O E Interest Payable LANCASTER UNIVERSITY:INCOME & EXPENDITURE
LANCASTER UNIVERSITY : INCOME & EXPENDITURE Over the past five years the budget has: 1)Grown at rates above the sector average and well above the long-term trend for Lancaster 2)Income components have been twice as variable as expenditure components 3)Controls on staff costs will be important if income growth slows in the next period
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE 2008/092013/14 Comment Income£'000 Funding Council Grants47,61654,296Low inflation. Proportion declining. Academic Fees43,77463,674Home static, overseas increasing Research Grants and Contracts26,16834,844Growth ca. 6.6% pa Other Operating Income44,14453,534Growth ca. 4.5% pa Endowment Income and Interest Receivable4,1223,371 Total Income165,824209,719 Expenditure Staff Costs (Recurrent)98,330116,554Staff costs within target range Staff Costs (Restructuring)150 Depreciation9,73215,964Based on capital programme Other Operating Expenses48,48564,608Rebalancing from staff costs Interest Payable3,3593,124 Total Expenditure160,056200,400 Revaluation reserve transfer685 Historical Cost Surplus/(Deficit)6,45310,004 Move to 5% surplus 4%5%
INITIATIVES FOR )Step change sustained improvement in Feedback and Assessment 2)Reform of course curriculum 3)Graduate Characteristics and Destinations 4)Deliver transition to REF 5)New collaborations with industry for greater impact 6)Improved data management systems and processes 7)Improved staff attraction and retention 8)Capital Programme delivered 9)Pgr environment and investment transformed 10)50 th Anniversary campaign delivered
CHALLENGES & TARGETS 1)Increase HiCi Staff by 50% 2)Deliver the Off-shore International Programme and increase International numbers (50% increase in income) 3)Sustain Financial Strategy and Surplus at 5% 4)Outstanding teaching and learning environment (Top 10 NSS) 5)Pgr volume up by 50%