Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud! Market Assessment & Analysis
SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
SWOT ANALYSIS It’s important that when you do a SWOT analysis, that you are honest in how you assess your business. Having friends, family, peers, or anyone else who knows your business well can be very valuable. You can use SWOT to assess your business, your marketplace, your workforce, or any other aspect of your business.
What is a strength in one community may not be in another. This is snapshot of market strengths across the country. If there is a strength from your community we've missed, please share when we get to the feedback section. S trengths
History and Tradition Growing Public Awareness Unmatched Growth Quality Creativity Cool Factor
History and Tradition holidays celebrations ethnic diets S trengths
Growing Public Awareness 75% of specialty food retailers say “local” is the most influential food claim.
S trengths Unmatched Growth Buying locally has moved from a trend or a fad, into a full-blown movement.
S trengths Quality Food picked at the peak of ripeness is better. It tastes better and it’s more nutritionally dense.
S trengths Creativity Creative people are drawn to the local food movement. Find ways to put them to work for you.
S trengths Cool Factor
Weaknesses can also represent opportunity, especially if you're able to overcome it in a creative or collaborative way. If there is a weakness from your community that you've been able to overcome, please share when we get to the feedback section. W eaknesses
Price is still King Seasonality Traditional wholesale accounts are built for the big guys Lack of Collaboration Technology barriers Some less polished business skills
W eaknesses Price is still King Some consumers will always value the lowest price over anything else. Small scale production tends to be more expensive.
W eaknesses Seasonality People are not in tune with seasonality the way your farm is! They want what they want, when they want it.
W eaknesses Traditional wholesale accounts are built for the big guys Retailers and restaurants prefer being able to buy everything they need on the back of one truck.
W eaknesses Lack of Collaboration Some farmers and food producers see the other farmers in their community as the competition, rather than as a partner. A rising tide raises all boats.
W eaknesses Technology barriers Shoppers are buying online more than ever. And local food shoppers are learning about local products and farms online as well.
W eaknesses Smaller infrastructures and support networks.
Threats are usually things you can't control. That doesn't mean you shouldn't recognize them. You need to know thereout there, and be prepared in case they affect you. T hreats
Localwashing Catastrophic weather events Lack of succession Planning Changing Regulations Environmental Degradation T hreats
Localwashing Big companies have already started advertising campaigns to leverage the idea of buying locally. T hreats
Catastrophic weather events Floods Droughts Hurricanes Tornadoes T hreats
Lack of succession planning Farms are being lost to changing generations. T hreats
Changing Regulations While some states are changing regulations to make it easier to produce food, some agencies are doing the opposite. T hreats
Environmental Degradation Keep in touch with what environmental concerns are being raised in your community. Some of you out there will be affected by these issues. T hreats
The local food system right now is a world of opportunity. This list is in no way all encompassing. Please share places you've seen opportunity! O pportunities
Facilitated Market Places Places People Gather Emerging Demographics Value Added Products Social Media Allergen Communities SNAP O pportunities
Facilitated Market Places Examples in New York State O pportunities
Places People Gather large workplaces community centers hospitals schools & universities O pportunities
Emerging Demographics new parents Latino Southeast Asian African O pportunities
Value Added Products your own line selling ingredients to other producers co-branded O pportunities
Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest O pportunities
Allergen Communities Gluten Free Soy-Free O pportunities
Changing Regulations Check with your state Agriculture & Markets office to find out about cottage food laws. O pportunities
SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program O pportunities
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