NLRMP…the way forward Ambati R.Rao Spatial Technologies
CLR Started in 1988 MRD – Line Ministry 100% centrally sponsored program Focused on digitization of textual land records like ROR, Crop data etc Over 580 districts data is claimed to be digitized Over Rs. 350 Crores spent on the program 7/8 States put data in public domain
NeGP – Triggered ILIS concepts 2 to 3% of budgets for IT spending not happening NeGP – 2003 MRD sets up a Committee – Sept MRD allocates Rs. 100 Crores pending recommendations of Committee. Committee releases report in April 2005 Additional Rs. 100 Crores for , Rs. 145 Crores for Rs. 440 crores last year.
NLRMP At last, GOI cleared National Land Records Modernization Program (NLRMP) in August 2009 MRD has released final guidelines on the program early 2009 Recommends two approaches – Fresh surveys or use existing records – States discretion Fresh Surveys invite 50% funding and existing records capture 100% funding Advocates to encourage a PPP approach
Land Records - Our Experiences Andhra Pradesh Rajasthan Orissa Gujarat
Our Experiences – Andhra Pradesh Bhumiti –Released in 2004 in all districts –About 10 lakh parcel maps, over 4000 traverse plots captured. Linkage to statistical data. Use in Land acquisition. –Linked Registration, Revenue and Survey by NIC –Progress – Unsatisfactory –Future - Uncertain Bhubharati –Started in 2005 in 1 district –Data not yet published –No transparency in project –Negative reports in Press –Future - Uncertain
Our Experiences – Rajasthan MIT funded replication of Bhoomi in States Apna Kaatha in place and hence maps capture Process started for 1 district in 2003 Work awarded after 2 years Digitization, Updating and linkage to textual data Updating Process not defined Quality Check became an issue Project Progress – Disappointing Future – Don’t Know
Our Experiences – Orissa Revenue Department engages OCAC, a wing of IT Department for digitizing maps and building ILIS in Mar for 4 districts Apex Committee of the State identifies the implementing agency and Bhumiti software after 1 year of pilots and deliberations. Revenue Department prefers a fresh bid to identify the Vendor After more than 2 years work is on the verge of starting now Digitization of maps, updating in Tehsils, linkage to attribute details and maintenance for 5 years. Another fresh survey project is also being started. Project Progress – Unsatisfactory Future - Promising
Our Experiences – Gujarat Revenue Department evinces interest in Bhumiti for the State in 2007 Commissioner had issues on procuring the software Pilot Project on Survey in Jamnagar starts in June Bhumiti is being used in the project Project involves fresh survey Project Progress – Too early to judge Another tender for another district. Future – Too early to judge
Recommendations NLRMP must be mission mode project. Data pertaining to 450 million land parcels must be captured and made available to citizens easily by Mar Initially, Integrated Land Information System for the country can be built involving process integration of Registration, Revenue and Survey. Do not discard existing data A five member full time NLRMP Technology Advisory Group (TAG) is a must. Not the current one. From project conceptualization, hand holding to execution, this Group should help, advice and monitor NLRMP. All projects approval and fund releases must be based on the recommendations of TAG Survey methodology to be adopted for the country must be frozen after evaluation of results of pilots
Recommendations No further pilots on survey should be funded with out adequate analysis of existing ones. But Ramp up must be fast Capacities need to be built. Alternately, permit Licensed Surveyors to certify the data Give up Conclusive Title concept for now? Near conclusive title is good enough? Advice on Legal changes must be from MRD Project Champions must be nurtured, supported and protected by MRD Separate Data Centre. Separate WAN. Why? Procurement Policies need to be looked into. Members from other States? Software should be offered as a service including data maintenance on a PPP mode
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