AMR - APARD ASSIGNMENT OF GOVT. LANDS B. Venkateswara Rao District Revenue Officer (Retd.)
ASSIGNMENT OF GOVT. LANDS History and Evolution of the Erstwhile Board of Revenue : It is a very ancient institution in the Revenue Administration of the Presidency of Madras which had its origin on 20 th June, 1786, with the sanction of the Court of Directors of the East India Company. The functions exercised by the Board were like Land Revenue Administration, collection of Revenue from Ryotwari, Zamindari Estates, Inams, Religious and Charitable Endowments, Stamps, Forest Abkari Revenue, superintendence and control of all kinds of Irrigation Canals, Tanks etc., and all other works now being attended to by PWD. By Regulation V of 1804, it was constituted by Court of Wards. It thus became a very powerful body in the administration.
After the formation of State of Andhra Pradesh, the Government acting under Section 122 of the States Reorganisation Act issued G.O.Ms.No.1270, Revenue Department dated specifying among other things, the Board of Revenue, functioning in Andhra area immediately before as the competent authority to exercise functions exercisable under the Hyderabad Board of Revenue Regulations of 1358 Fasali. Thus the Unified Board of Revenue functioned for the entire State from till the replacement of Unified Board of Revenue by Commissioners vide A.P. Board of Revenue (Replacement by Commissioners) Act, Thereafter the Commissioners are appointed in the place of Revenue Board Members.
The Board Standing Orders were formulated by composite Madras Revenue Board in the year Altogether 213 Board Standing Orders on different issues mainly Land Administration and related matters have been formulated, of which 55 Board Standing Orders have been deleted from time to time as they have become irrelevant.
In the Telangana Area, the supervision over the District Administration was in the hands of four Regional Commissioners called Subedars until 1949, when under the Hyderabad Board of Revenue Regulation 1358 Fasali (1949). The Board was constituted by Court of Wards and also vested with appellate and review powers which till then were being exercised by the Government in the Revenue Department. The Board was empowered to exercise powers of superintendence, direction and control over all the authorities in relation to Land Revenue, Excise, Customs, Registration and Stamps etc.,
CERTAIN LAND ACTS Assignment – Procedure in general: Assignment of Govt. land means grant of land at the disposal of Government to individuals / institutions and firms either on payment of market value or free of cost. B.S.O.No. 15 governs assignment of Govt. lands in Andhra Area. Section 54, 54-A, 58-A and 58-B in Chapter V of the A.P (Telangna Area) Land Revenue Act 1317 and the Rules made there under are the statutory provisions relating to assignment of Ghoda lands in Telangana Area.
Following orders spell out the original assignment policy: - G.O.Ms.No Revenue Dept., dated G.O.Ms.No Revenue Dept., dated Land at disposal of Government to be assigned free of cost only to landless poor persons who owns less than 2 1/2 acres of wet land or 5 acres of dry land maximum extent of land that can be assigned is 2 1/2 acres of wet or 5 acres of dry land. Land prima facie available for assignment (BSO 15-2). Assessed land which is not reserved. Un assessed land which is not reserved. Land prima facie not available for assignment (BSO 15-2) Porambokes Rules issued vide G.O.Ms.No.1406 dt Reserved land (Assessed and unassessed). Categories of lands prohibited from assignment.
Tank beds, foreshore of tank beds, cattle stands, burial grounds, grazing grounds, lands reserved for any public purpose, lands in the vicinity of reserve forest lands, water course porumboku lands within Cantonment limits, lands reserved under Section 26 of the Forest Act, lands within port limits, lands vested with Ministry of Railways, Aerodroms, lands containing minerals, quarries etc., lands in Towns, Cities, District Head Quarters, Municipalities (BSO 15-4 – Para 1 of G.O.Ms.No.1406 dated ).
Requisites: Application from the individual concerned to be entered in Darkhast Register. Land applied for to be verified whether it is prima facie available and eligible. A1 notice calling for objections to be published. After publication of “A1” Notice, “A” Memorandum to be prepared by the MRI and sent to MRO in duplicate with A1 Notice and a sketch. Resolution of the Grama Panchayat. Sub division records to be prepared in case part survey numbers are involved. In case of porumboku lands Ayan conversion proposals to be sent to RDO/SC concerned.
General conditions of Assignments: Lands assigned shall be heritable but not alienable. Lands assigned shall be brought under cultivation within three years. Cultivation should be by the assignee or members of his family or with hired labour under their supervision. (BSO 15 Para 12/3) (Para 6 of G.O.Ms.No.1406 dated ). Competence: Mandal Revenue Officer concerned is the competent authority for assignment subject to approval by the Assignment Review Committee constituted in G.O.Ms.No.443 Revenue (L.Ref) Department dated read with G.O.Ms.No.590 Revenue (L.Ref) Department dated (BSO 15 Para 3 : Para 14 of G.O.Ms.No.1406 dated ).
Appeals: From every original decision of assignment of the MRO., appeal lies within 30 days to the Divisional Officer, similarly appeal lies to the Collector against the orders of RDO and within 40 days from the date of decision of the Collector to the CCLA. A revision to the Collector against the orders of RDO in appeals is also allowed. But at any time the Collector may pass orders on revision in case of fraud or misrepresentation. Revision lies to the Government also. All Appeals should be stamped with Court Fee label of Rs.5/-. The above position shall apply also to the orders relating to resumption.