Malachi 1 The heart of the matter
The prophesy Malachi means “my messenger” Contemporary of Ezra and Nehemiah Outline of the prophesy – God’s covenant love for Israel – The unfaithfulness of priests and people – The Lord’s coming is announced Refinement and judgement Call to repentance Encouragement to faithful service Announcement of “The day of the Lord”
God speaks to His people God speaks clearly and understandably – Revelation not mysticism God speaks into specific times / situations – We need to understand / apply the principles God speaks in many ways but uses people The “burden” of the Lord – Weighty, compelling, burdensome The last prophesy for 400 years
The people doubt God’s love The people probably didn’t actually say these things The problem was a heart matter – They doubted God’s love for them – They were complacent and presumptuous – They had lost the sense of wonder and awe – They were going through the motions
God’s response to their doubt Reminded them of their past Reminded them who they are Reminded them of his blessings He reminded them of judgement He promises that they will see Him working and blessing God’s patience with His people
Unacceptable worship The people were not honouring God The priests were leading in contempt God calls them to repentance Bad worship is no better that no worship Promise of a brighter future Lives and attitudes defiled offerings They were acting knowingly Who do you think I am?
So what? When God speaks we need to listen – (Particularly if we think He’s wrong!) God will not keep speaking to us forever God’s word is serious and weighty Leaders are not always right Watch and guard your heart Judge yourself soberly (Romans 12:3) Beware of “the rut” We need to learn from and live in the light of: – The past, the promises, the Word Seek to honour and glorify God in everything
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