Session 10 Topic: Decision-making and Problem-Solving Journal: Discuss an important decision you had to make?
Solve this problem All of the kitchen work, including shopping and clean up is being done by a mother who has a husband who gets home from work by 5 p.m. She is feeling stressed. They have three children: A 14 yr old girl, a 12 yr old girl, and an 8 year old boy.
Plan ~ Do~ Check ~Act Plan: Identify and analyze the problem Do: Develop and test a potential solution. Check: Measure how effective the test solution was, and analyze whether it could be improved in anyway. Act: Implementing the improved solution fully.
Kinds of Decision 1. Decisions whether. This is the yes/no, either/or decision that must be made before we proceed with the selection of an alternative. Should I buy a new TV? Should I travel this summer? Decisions whether are made by weighing reasons pro and con.
Kinds of Decision 2. Decisions which. These decisions involve a choice of one or more alternatives from among a set of possibilities, the choice being based on how well each alternative measures up to a set of predefined criteria. I will attend the college or program that is the closest and offers the best training for the lowest price.
Kinds of Decision 3. Contingent decisions. These are decisions that have been made but put on hold until some condition is met. We will buy a house when we have a down payment.
Decisions and Problems Your 15 yr old daughter with C grades wants to go out for cheerleading. Your 10 year old son who is hooked on video games refuses to do his homework. Your 12 year old daughter puts on heavy makeup and red nail polish when she gets to school.