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What is your topic? What are you going to be talking about? Subtopics How it’s formed Why it’s dangerous Where they occur Examples of them How to prepare for one Deadliest one Caused the most damage Most well known You can add any others that you want. You can add pictures, sound, animation, what ever else you want. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE IN ENGLISH!! Must be longer than 12 slides, but no more than 20.
How it’s formed (Science)
Why it’s dangerous
When and where they occur?
Examples of them
How to prepare for one
Deadliest one
Cause the most damage
Most well known.
Extra Information
Work cited
Snakes of the Valley Snakes come in many different colors They camouflage themselves to look like their environment. They live all over the world There are 3 different poisonous snakes in the Rio Grande Valley. They are the Coral Snake, Rattle Snake, and the Massasagua.
Snakes of the Valley Snakes come in many different colors They camouflage themselves to look like their environment. They live all over the world like Australia, Europe, Africa, and South America There are 3 different poisonous snakes in the Rio Grande Valley. They are the Coral Snake, Rattle Snake, and the Desert Massagaoua. There are a lot of different snakes here too that are really pretty. They eat a lot of different things that are found in the valley. They are carnivores and eat only meat like animals. They are tertiary consumers and prefer warm places to cold places. Their main food source is rats, lizards, and other insects. Rattlesnakes are a brownish grey color and are very docile. Some rattlesnakes can have broken rattles and are not able to be heard. Baby venomous snakes are the most dangerous because they do not know when to release their venom after they have bitten their prey. Rattle snakes are viviporous. Meaning that they give live birth to their young.