Architecture and Security of the SSADC Network 5 th Bulgarian-Serbian Conference, May 9-12, 2006, Sofia Milcho Tsvetkov 1, Svetoslav Christov 2, Damyan Kalaglarsky 3 1) Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2) National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 3) Space Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Architecture and Security of the SSADC Network INTRODUCTION TEAM and Supporting organizations The WFPDB & Related Projects SSADC NETWORK: Ach.& Sec. Plans and Perspectives 5 th Bulgarian-Serbian Conference, May 9-12, 2006, Sofia
SSADC TEAM: Katya Tsvetkova 1, Konstantin Stavrev 1, Damyan Kalaglarsky 2, Ana Borisova 1, Rumen Bogdanovski 3, Svetoslav Christov 4, Hristo Lukarski 2, Svetlin Fotev 2, Dimitar Lukarski 5,Galin Borisov 1, Vasil Popov 1, Milcho, Tsvetkov 1,Ognyan Kounchev 2,Renate Budell 5 1) Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2) Space Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 3) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 4) Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, BAS 5) Technical University Sofia 6) Physikalisches Institut, Muenster University, Germany
IVOA overview VO international initiative – Institutions participants, BGVO status – Funding (30x10 6 USD in the next 3-5 yrs – What to expect 2003 in invitation to join the IVOA 2004 decision of the RSI to start BGVO Towards to the BGVO Towards to the BGVO
Virtual Observatory The modern observational facilities produse enormous volume of data (10 Tb/year/telescope and will be doubled each year). The higher data quality permits their re-utilisation. Multiplication of the scientific incom of large facilities. Creation of the necessary infrastructures. Inter-operability of databases and archives Construction of virtual instruments, and … … much more …
Virtual Observatory ->WFPDB WFPDB is well defined in the context of the Virtual Observatory The points WFPDB meet as a VO service are: –WFPDB – plate sample selection on a physical constrains basis (26 plate parameteres, 50% from 2 millions samples) –On-line processing of the information (development of the virtual instrument concept ) –VOTable output (Dec 2002), input/output VOTable operability (April 2003/05): WFP Standarts –WFPDB understends Astronomical Server URL (ASU)
Supporting Organizations National Science Fund Ministry of Education and Science (Project NSF I-1101/01) Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung German Research Foundation (DFG) Projects 436/BUL113/ Center for Informatics (ZIV) Műnster University EC - COST Action 283 “ Computational and Information Infrastructure in the Astronomical DataGrid” IAU Commission’s #5 “Documentation and Astronomical Data”, # 9 (“Instruments”) - WG “Wide-field Sky Surveys”
SOFIA Sky Archive DataCenter Operating with the support of Space Research Institute BAS and MES Main project: Wide- Field Plate Database Created with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
DMZ Firewall aradracosunaquilapds switch norma
Wide-Field Plate Database BGVO’s BACKBONE Project of the IAU WG Sky Surveys: –Catalog of WFPA: 2x10 6 plates –Plate logs transformation –Search in WFPDB –Plate digitization
Plate scanning using: Plate scanning using: -PDSs, Super Cosmos, USNO Monet scanner, LAMA’s STScI MAMA, APM etc. - NEW:Flatbed Scanners: EPSON XL, 10000XL, 4990 UMAX, MicroTec, Etc. - CCD Previews (new) Plate Digitization - D ifferent approaches D ifferent approaches
STAR GAZER-Visualization! SSADC STAR GAZER-Visualization package, Stargazer is a web based system for star map drawing. Currently it works with GSC-ACT, SAO, YBS, a subset of USNO-A2 (all stars up to 16.3m) and few other catalogs SSADC STAR GAZER-Visualization package, Stargazer is a web based system for star map drawing. Currently it works with GSC-ACT, SAO, YBS, a subset of USNO-A2 (all stars up to 16.3m) and few other catalogs
Bulgarian AvH HF Database
Manev’s Field publications database
MIRORRS: Hyper Leda ADS-soon VizieR selected cats …… HPC MosiX Cluster –’Pleiades’ BG Grid links
HyperCat Current common project with the Lyon Observatory (France) evolved to... HyperLeda 3x10 6 objects Current common project with the Lyon Observatory (France) evolved to... HyperLeda 3x10 6 objects
IVOA overview VO international initiative – Institutions participants, BGVO status – Funding (30x10 6 USD in the next 3-5 yrs – What to expect 2003 in invitation to join the IVOA 2004 decision of the RSI to start BGVO Towards to the BGVO Towards to the BGVO
Hosting the website of the Humboldt Union in Bulgaria Bulgarian Humboldt Fellows database More BGVO Activities: Hosting the website of the Georgi Manev Manev’s Field publication Database
Pleiades Cluster GRID - 1,2