HUMBOLDT ORIENTATION PROGRAM School of Business Contact Information: Advisor Dove Byrne
Why A Business Degree? It is inter-disciplinary: Broadens your mind to analyze problems from different angles. It is based on hands on learning. Our program is student centered to meet your specific needs. Outstanding qualified faculty with small classes (six new faculty in 2 years).
Why a Business Degree? It teaches you how to solve practical problems. Focus on Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. One to one advising with faculty who are here to help you succeed. Good prospects of finding jobs in a tough market.
Salary Comparisons colleges/degrees.asp Note: Salaries are median. For starting and mid-career. Supply Chain Mgmt.: $50,000; $84,700. Finance: $46,500; $87,300 Accounting: $44,700 $75,700 International Business $41,600; $83,700 Political Science:$39,900; $80,100 History: $37,800 $69,000 English: $37,100; $65,800
Hands on Learning Student Managed Investment Fund Students learn how to manage investments. Business Plan: Economic Fuel Creative competition with many new ideas. Internships with local businesses Network of paid academic internships. Business & Economics Club Entrepreneurs Club Activities for student professional growth.
Focus on Entrepreneurship Many small classes that focus on teaching hand on skills for starting your own business. Many projects in different classes involve client-based active service learning. Small Business (BA 378). Business Plan Development (BA 380). Small Business Consulting (BA 417). Marketing Research (B A 446) for hands on learning.
Focus on Sustainability Sustainability is becoming a strategic issue for business. Almost all business courses have some analysis of different sustainability issues. It is the major international issue of this century. Future trend: Sustainability will have a major role in all aspects of business operations.
Five different options depending on your interest Accounting Finance International Business Management Marketing All majors will know basic fundamentals of how to work in a business environment.
BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIPS Dwight & Lavinia Bancroft Scholarship – Five to ten, $2000-$4000 awards, full-time juniors or seniors, graduate of Humboldt or Del Norte county. Bill Jackson Scholarship- One $1,000 award; full-time junior or senior. David & Gwynna Morris Scholarship- One $1000 award, full-time junior or senior. David Moonie & Company Scholarship- One $1000 award, full-time senior, Accounting option. Fielding Scholarship- One $2000 award, full-time student (preference to Accounting option) Michael S. Clark- One $1000 award, full-time senior, Accounting option.
Any Questions? Contact Information: Dove Byrne, Advisor Hari Singh, Chair Krista Carroll, Support Staff Randi Swedenburg, Support Staff
Why are we here today? Today’s goal: To help you choose the best class schedule possible for next term Today’s focus: Registration process DARS / GEAR / Major / double-counts Resources (tools) for registration
1.Log in to myHumboldt and Student Center View Holds (Advising Hold) Find advisor’s name and contact info Find enrollment appointment date 2.Review DARS (GE & major courses) 3.View Class Schedule 4.Plan your schedule Registration Process
Area A Written Communication Oral Communication Critical Thinking Higher Priority: Complete by 30 units Degree Audit Report (DARS)
Area B Life science: BIOL 102 (lab) or 104 (lab) Physical science: GEOG 106 (no lab) or GEOL 106 (no lab) or PHYX 104 (lab) Math Concepts: STAT 108 (major requirement) Degree Audit Report (DARS)
Area C: one course from arts, one from humanities, third from either area. Remember Diversity and Common Ground double-counts! Area D: One American Institutions Course counts! Remember Diversity and Common Ground double-counts!
Notice all courses are numbered
American Institutions: US History & Government American Institutions 1. US history: HIST 110 or HIST 111 or NAS 200* 2. US government 3. California government One course can also count in lower division GE Area D! * also counts for DCG domestic < PSCI 110
Diversity & Common Ground (DCG) Expand your awareness and perceptions of other cultures compared to your own Two Courses 1.One DCG course must be domestic, focusing on issues within the US 2.The second DCG course may be either domestic or non-domestic, with a focus beyond the US Certain DCG courses double-count for GE, major, minor, or other requirements
Where can I find which GE courses double-count with DCG?
Ready, Set, Register Class Schedule DCG / GE double-count list Dates & Deadlines Calendar Catalog Registration Resources
1.Log in to myHumboldt and Student Center Find advisor’s name and contact info Find enrollment appointment date 2.Review DARS 3.View Class Schedule 4.Plan your schedule 5.Need help? Call for appointment to: Registration Process
When: Friday the 13 th of September Where: The “J” (Jolly Giant Commons) Time: 11:30 a.m. — ? What: Network with Business Faculty & Students! Free Pizza & Games! Business & Economics Club! Entrepreneurship Club! Freshman Business Networking
Dove Byrne, Freshman Business Adviser Meet twice this semester: 1. September / October Appointment 2. November / December Appointment Moodle Advising Site Appointments Check Freshman Business Advising
MyHumboldt Student Center School of Business Website Residential Academic Mentor Program (RAMP) Learning Center Student Support Services Center for Indian Community Development Children Center Counseling & Psychological Services Student Health Center Student Disability Resource Center Student Resources Handout