Why it is special The word Halal means clean and permissable The rules are from the holy book of Islam, Qur’an.


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Presentation transcript:

Why it is special The word Halal means clean and permissable The rules are from the holy book of Islam, Qur’an

Food that they can’t eat (Haram) Blood Pork Alcohol Animals that are already dead

Food that they can eat Grain product that doesn’t involve any haram ingredient Dairy Product without haram ingredient Vegatable prepared without haram ingredient Animal meat prepared in a certain way

How they killed the animal The people killed the animal must be Muslim or the People of the Book (Christian or Jewish). Allah’s name must be pronounced during slaughter When you kill a animal, The instrument must be very sharp to ensure humane slaughter. The animal must be slit at the throat. After the animal dead, the animal must be hung upside down and allowed to bleed dry. They are not allowed to eat blood.

Related video This video doesn’t involve blood, just how the animals react to Islamic ways of killing

Halal food today The preparation of Halal food remains the same There are more choices to choose that are still Halal There are a lot of restaurants open in the world that sells Halal food

Comparing the past to the present The rules of preparing and eating didn’t change. In the past, Islamic followers eat Halal food everyday to honor their god Today, there are fights and comments on Halal food and the history of it. It has also spread further around the world.

Image of Halal meat