Marlon G. Ompoc Library Department Cagayan de Oro College Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines Tel Nos. +63 (085) , to 69 Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries, Active Training Environment : International Training Program, Year 2008 “Very great life-enriching training grant being with people from some other countries in different continents on the globe. Total transformation of my new life’s professional journey began here.”
Contents of STIMULATE 8 Training: Librarians’ roles as carriers of scientific information in this digital age are introduced to learn the following: Webpage Design Citation Analysis Statistics for Effective Library & Info. Service Management Library visits the WWW Building Library from scratch Copyright Greenstone and CDS-ISIS Family
Provision of the laptop pc’s for the participants Clear communication between the participants and the Secretariat (Alexander Coppens) The provision of free train tickets for library visits Program Organization Strong points:
Introduction to the management and the technical aspects of electronic databases Library visits Webpage creation Citation analysis Best Components of the Training:
Not informing the participants regarding the cost of living in Belgium (particularly the prices of food) prior to our arrival since allowance was not released the time the participants arrived. Program Organization Weak Point:
No comment. I want more lessons in digital librarianship. Academic contents: weak points:
Developing library webpage Internet access for research in the library and maximization on the use of free electronic databases, linking into the library’s webpage Give emphasis for training library staff on information literacy in cyberspace Digitization of Special Collection (Theses and Dissertations) using the Greenstone software Major recommendations to my home institute: