and Schools Dr. Lesley Farmer California State University Long Beach
Our World
What Do Students Need to Know and Do? Be information literate: access, evaluate, use Be a lifelong learner: pursue interests, read, generate knowledge Be socially responsible: uphold democracy, be ethical, cooperate
Two Separate Worlds? Physical Digital
Connected Worlds Physidigital
Who Wants your Student’s Attention
Social Producing Learning Social Rules Designing Profiles Exploring Identity Writing Blogs Writing Software Codes Sharing Producing Music Discussion Interests Social and Political Activism Keeping Friends Risk Assessment What Are They Doing?
Seeking Validation Competing Popularity Venting Showing Off Embarrassing Self Crowded Isolation Damaging Reputation Pulling Pranks Getting Even Threatening Harassing Bullying What ELSE Are They Doing?
Digital Reputation Who are your children?
Using technology Safely Responsibly Critically Pro-actively
The Community needs to know...
Issues Sexting Legal Issues Consequences Response Plan Cyber Bullying Legal Issues Bystander Ethics Response Plan Phishing “You are a winner!” Protect Information Permission File Sharing “It’s FREE!” Legal Issues Consequences
Better Issues Field Trips Legal Issues Consequences Response Plan Making a Difference Legal Issues Bystander Ethics Response Plan Savvy Students “You are a winner!” Protect Information Permission Creators of Content “It’s FREE!” Legal Issues Consequences
Cyber Safety – Obsolete Models Cyber Safety 1.0 – Crime and Adult Content Cyber Safety 2.0 – Peer to Peer Harm Common Elements: One Size Fits All Fear Based Youth as Potential Victims Technology both problem and solution Social Media Highly Suspect Result: Power Down and Disconnect Effect
Responsible Use Plagiarism Cheating Downloading illegally Sharing files illegally NO
Citizenship: Holistic Approach Four Perspectives Legislative Community Literacy Technology
Critical Use Requires Information Literacy AEIOUAEIOU ccess valuate ntegrate riginate se
New Literacies Technology Literacy Information Literacy Media Creativity Global Literacy Literacy with Responsibility
Teen Internet Truisms Wikipedia is king Google is awesome Want news? Go online Social networking is good for homework IM> / is so yesterday – it’s for old people and teachers If it’s not on the front page, it probably isn’t worthwhile anyway “Good enough” is good enough Free is good Downloading is OK as long as you’re not selling it I get scared sometimes, but I can take care of myself
Education… Changing Paradigms content - text on screen Libraries – open access interaction - with content or machine relationships - instructional, social and supportive digital multimedia learning objects managed eLearning environments the e-Classroom m-Learning
Communities of Learning Autonomous, sustained group of people with common values and goals Social and academic/professional development Socialization, norms, and openness Collaborative learning Individual and group accountability Distributed leadership
School Conditions for Positive Digital Learning Broad-based vision and mission Positive and open community-based school culture Comprehensive, cohesive, interdependent, aligned curriculum and assessment Competent, committed staff with small classes Strong repertoire of instructional/learning strategies Rich collection of learning materials and fully- integrated technology (system infrastructure and support) Well-maintained and spacious facilities
Tech-enhanced Curriculum (UNICEF) Use information and communication tech as means to end, not end in itself Use the Internet to collect information and to collaborate Use the Internet to foster interactive learning environment Promote cross-site telecommunication
Instructional Design Outcomes Indicators Learners’ characteristics Prerequisite skills Instructional format Delivery: resources, time, space, groups Stages: awareness, model, practice Context
Outcomes-Based Activities Content standards Information literacy Process and Product
Resources Lesson documents: readings, lecture notes, presentation stacks WebQuests, tutorials, simulations Links (provide worldwide access and avoid copyright problems) Online experts
Matching Tools with Learning What are the critical features of each tool? What are the desired outcomes? What is process-centered, and what is product-centered? What are the parameters: time, resources, expertise…? Who is the learner?
Student Engagement Kinesthetics Learning environment to explore Online activities: WebQuests, etc. Communication Discussion forums (can be student-generated) Student home pages Group projects Quizes and surveys Grades
What Teacher Librarians Do Go to where the students are Build community and social safety net Provide (and teach) tech tools Have students do meaningful, authentic tasks Provide online tutorials – or links to them Provide online reference and link to other libraries with online reference service Think web 2.0 Use blogs, wikis, “ e-readers ” Sound out: use podcasts/vidcasts
School Learning Activities Writing: directions, continuous stories, text commentary, peer review Dramatization Environment: visual inventory, field trips, animal rights Art: original clip art, digital self- portraits, ideal school, virtual museums
More School Activities Health: ads, fotonovelas, tech healthcare, assistive tech Career exploration: shadowing, role of tech in careers, online volunteering Law: students’ rights, driving laws, CSI, legal tech, voting trends
Co-Curricular Activities Online clubs and literature circles Student publications online Video/Podcast/Web service club Special ed aides Peer tutoring and mentoring
Empower Youth Using Technology Review books, media, Internet sites Add content on community websites Create products for the community: photos, artwork, videos, displays, posters, newsletters, web pages Train others in technology use Do service learning Conduct oral and community history
Online Resources Parents
…Because youth are our future!