THE PASSOVER The Nine Plagues fulfilled their purpose Exodus 11:2-3, 9-10 The Tenth Plague would fulfill its purpose 11:1; 12:12 A unique plague with spiritual implications 11:4- 8; 12:12-13 All firstborn would die “pass through” = death Israel not immune unless… They offer a Passover lamb & eat Passover feast 12:1-13 “pass over” = life
PASSOVER LAMB REQUIREMENTS Take a male lamb on the 10 th of Abib v.3 One year old v.5 Perfect, without blemish v.5 Share according to need v.4 Slaughter at twilight of 14 th of Abib v.6 Apply blood to doorframes of the house v.7 Roast whole with fire v.8-9; 12:46 Eat with bitter herbs, unleavened bread v.8 Don’t leave any till morning (burn leftovers) v.10 Eat dressed to travel v.11 Must remain in the house v.22
THE ANNUAL PASSOVER MEMORIAL Seven days of no yeast in the house 12:15 Remove it on the first day of the feast 12:15 Eat nothing with yeast in it 12:15 No work on first and seventh days 12:16 Teach children why you keep the feast 12:26-27; 13:8 important reason for ritual Must be circumcised Jew 12:44-49 Must remain in the house 12:46 Must not break its bones 12:46 All Jews must eat it 12:47 Also a weekly memorial Deuteronomy 5:15
CHRIST, OUR PASSOVER 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 Leaven represents sin Hebrews 4:15 A perfect lamb in His prime John 1:29 No bones broken John 19:31-37 No leftovers John 19:31-37, Acts 2:24-36 The Lord’s Supper is weekly memorial 1 Cor. 11:17- 34, Acts 20:7 We preach the Lord’s death v.26 (actions speak) Must be circumcised Colossians 2:11-13 Must be in the house (in Christ) Must have the blood applied Hebrews 10:22