DOCLINE Update Medical Library Association 2006 Phoenix, Arizona Maria Elizabeth Collins National Library of Medicine, NIH/HHS
Agenda DOCLINE today DOCLINE today Recent enhancements Recent enhancements Changes currently in progress Changes currently in progress Upcoming development plans Upcoming development plans
DOCLINE Today 3,247 libraries participating 3,247 libraries participating Nearly 1.4 million serial holdings records Nearly 1.4 million serial holdings records 2.48 million ILL Requests in FY million ILL Requests in FY05 Fill Rate is 91.25% Fill Rate is 91.25% Average number of routes is 1.24 Average number of routes is 1.24 Continued shift to electronic delivery Continued shift to electronic delivery
DOCLINE Libraries (Federal and special libraries)
ILL Requests
Network Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshots
Network Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshot
NLM Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshot
DOCLINE Routing 83% of requests completed on first route 83% of requests completed on first route 96% of requests completed on second route 96% of requests completed on second route Only 4% of requests require more than 2 routes Only 4% of requests require more than 2 routes Average number of routes = 1.24 Average number of routes = 1.24
A Day in the Life … 9,229 requests were completed on 5/10/ % were completed in less than 3 hours 24% were completed in less than 3 hours 37% were completed in less than 6 hours 37% were completed in less than 6 hours 68% were completed in less than 24 hours 68% were completed in less than 24 hours 91% were completed in less than 48 hours 91% were completed in less than 48 hours Average time to fill a request = days Average time to fill a request = days
DOCLINE 2.5 (June 2005) Loansome Doc redesign Loansome Doc redesign –Improved interface –Decreased learning curve –Reduced customer service calls –Added patron and library requested enhancements Serial Holdings in MARC 21 Serial Holdings in MARC 21
Loansome Doc Enhancements Allow libraries to edit their LD patron records Allow libraries to edit their LD patron records Display library specific information to user during registration Display library specific information to user during registration registration confirmation to user registration confirmation to user Login ID will be user’s address Login ID will be user’s address Password reset mechanism Password reset mechanism Warn user requesting duplicate articles Warn user requesting duplicate articles Alert user to library’s holdings during order Alert user to library’s holdings during order
Loansome Doc Login
Katrina and Rita DOCLINE DOCLINE –65 medical libraries set inactive by RMLs –Requests automatically skip inactive libraries –22 libraries remain inactive Interlibrary Loan Interlibrary Loan –NLM providing free ILLs to impacted libraries through June 2006 –1,374 requests through March 2006 Regional Medical Libraries & NLM Regional Medical Libraries & NLM –Coordination, communication, assistance
Biloxi Public Library Photo: Council of State Archivists
DOCLINE 2.6 (Nov 2005) ISO ILL Protocol ISO ILL Protocol –ILL request structure –Communication between ILL systems –Messaging system Vendors: OCLC ILLiad, RLG, Relais, VDX Vendors: OCLC ILLiad, RLG, Relais, VDX First library First library –University of Hawaii at Manoa
DOCLINE 2.7 (March 2006) Routing by library group Routing by library group Routing with multiple delivery methods Routing with multiple delivery methods Adding “Other” libraries to Refer On Adding “Other” libraries to Refer On Limit routing to EFTS participants Limit routing to EFTS participants Service level (Urgent Patient Care, Rush, Normal) Service level (Urgent Patient Care, Rush, Normal) Improved serial holdings searching Improved serial holdings searching –New look –New search limits (delivery method, format, ILL services)
Borrow Enhancements
Routing Algorithm Active library Active library Holdings Holdings –Volume OR Year –Ignored for Prefixed requests Service Level Service Level Delivery Method Delivery Method –Preferred –Alternate EFTS library (if selected) EFTS library (if selected) Color copy service (if selected) Color copy service (if selected) Not previously routed to Not previously routed to
Service Level Normal Normal Rush Rush –“Same Day” service –TTA: Receipt same day –TTA: Lend next day Urgent Patient Care Urgent Patient Care –“Process & Ship immediately” –TTA: Receipt same day –TTA: Lend next day
Routing: Delivery Methods Random libraries who provide via primary delivery method Cell 1 Random libraries who provide via alternate delivery method(s) Routing algorithm: Routing table, reports owning material, supports requested delivery methods, supports service level (rush, express), and active library Random libraries who provide via primary delivery method Cell 2 … Random libraries who provide via alternate delivery method(s) Random libraries who provide via primary delivery method Route to Resource Libraries / Refer On Random libraries who provide via alternate delivery method(s) Prefix library must provide via primary OR alternate delivery method Prefix Checks libraries and library groups in each cell. Max number of libraries selected during routing is 20. Randomly selects primary delivery method libraries first, then libraries supporting alternate delivery methods. Routing Table routing rules
“Other” Added to Refer On Library Level Library Level –RML, Resource Library, PAL, Other Special libraries, federal libraries, international libraries: Canada, Mexico Special libraries, federal libraries, international libraries: Canada, Mexico 742 libraries 742 libraries 3,200 titles held only by Other libraries 3,200 titles held only by Other libraries Routing Logic: Up to 20 libraries from Routing Logic: Up to 20 libraries from –Resource Libraries, PALs, the “Four”, Other
Routing by Library Group What is it really? What is it really? How does it work? How does it work? Should I do it? Should I do it? Will my lenders get slammed? Will my lenders get slammed?
DOCLINE Fill Rates
Serial Holdings Search
Serial Holdings Filters
DOCLINE 2.8 (June 2006) Improvements to Loansome Doc registration Improvements to Loansome Doc registration –Limit search results to libraries serving the public by default –Greater visibility to “Contact Library” –Required authorization code Cosmetic improvements to Ordering Cosmetic improvements to Ordering Ability for libraries to remove patrons from their patron list display Ability for libraries to remove patrons from their patron list display
LD Find a Library Search
Find a Library Results
LD Registration
Institution Update - LD
Duplicate Order Warning
Plans for the future
Coming Soon LinkOut information in Borrow LinkOut information in Borrow Display library holdings in Borrow Display library holdings in Borrow Display PMC author manuscripts in Borrow Display PMC author manuscripts in Borrow Ability to individually review retired requests Ability to individually review retired requests Annual report of titles filled by institution Annual report of titles filled by institution Administrative items Administrative items EFTS file builder (tentative) EFTS file builder (tentative)
And beyond … Requests & Serial Holdings Redesign Requests & Serial Holdings Redesign –Review screens and workflow –Review requested enhancements –Site visits with select libraries in Metro Washington area –Design –Usability testing –Coding –Testing –Release
Learn More About DOCLINE NLM Booth NLM Booth –Tuesday, 12pm – 2pm DOCLINE Team Members DOCLINE Team Members –Deena Acton –Maria Collins –Karen Kraly –Barbara Nicholson –Sulane Wu
Questions & Answers