The 3D Experience Native American Inspired Baskets
Basket weaving is one of the oldest known Native American CRAFTS.
There are ancient baskets from the Southwest that have been found by Archeologists dating them to nearly 8000 years old.
Baskets were a big part of life in tribes. All Native Americans wove baskets out of natural materials available to them.
Part of a woman’s job was to never let her family run out of colorful baskets!
Baskets were used for: Storing belongings on open shelves Hauling and storing food Trade
Most of the symbolism in Native American art was REALISTIC and not geometric. Their symbols were not religious nor did the symbols stand for good luck.
Tribal women gave names to their PATTERNS Women tried to outdo their neighbors with their patterns and colors. Every woman within the tribe had her own unique designs. …the tree pattern …the mountaln pattern …the leaf pattern
Others could not copy from her… but she could give a design as a gift to a good friend or to her children!
Basket making material was collected all SUMMER long. Roots and twigs had to be soaked just right. Grass was used like Embroidery thread.
Winter Baskets were usually made in the Winter months after all materials had been harvested.
Symbols Think of symbols that have meaning to you. On the bottom of the front of your Rubric, draw 3 different symbols.
Homework Sketch a color design of your basket on the back of your Rubric. Include your chosen symbol in the final design. Keep your design simple because the process of weaving will cover random areas of your design, out of your control! Consider putting the symbol on the inside bottom of your basket, where it will not be covered.