Ruben Sanchez
BEFORE WE START: We are here to help you! Do NOT be afraid to ask questions. There are no dumb questions! The only dumb thing to do is not ask for help when you are stuck.
Decimals. Decimals can be easily understood as “parts” of a number. Decimals always start with a period, or a point, and then a number follows
Decimals. There is a very simple way to find a decimal number. The simplest way to do so is just to divide the fraction that you are given. What you do here to get a decimal is divide the numbers shown. On a calculator plug in And your answer should be
Decimals converting to percentages Lets use the previous example of To get a percentage out of this number, it is very simple. All we do is multiply and multiply it by 100. When we do this we get a total of
Decimals converting to percentages Lets use an example of We can simplify this fraction to Or we can just divide the first numbers trough to get In this case when we multiply by 100 we get We’ll just round off the repeating infinite decimal to 2 decimal places
Decimals converting to percentages One easy trick to remember how to change decimals to percentages is to just move over the decimal to the right 2 places after you divide the numerator by the denominator. We move the decimal to the right 2 places and we get 80. All we do afterward is add the percent sign. Move the decimal point 2 places to the right to get
Decimals converting to percentages Convert the following fractions to decimals then to percentages
Decimals converting to percentages If Mary was driving to San Diego from El Paso, and she only had 1/2(half) a tank of fuel, how much fuel does Mary have? Express your answer in decimal and in percent form. What if Mary had 7/8(seven eighths) of her tank full? How much would that be in percent and in decimal? 1) 1a)