By: Emily Trevizo
What are Pediatricians? Pediatricians are doctors specialized in the care of children. Pediatricians specialize in diseases and ailments specific to young and growing bodies.
How many hours a week does a pediatrician work? A typical pediatrician works about an average of 50 hours per week. This includes the hours worked in the office, visiting patients, doing paper work, and staying on-call after working hours. Sometimes they take ½ day or a whole day off during the week.
What does being “on-call” mean? Being on-call means they are available after office hours. The amount of time spent being on-call depends if you work alone or in an office with other doctors. If you work alone then you are probably going to spend more time on-call than a doctor that works with more than one doctor.
How much money do pediatricians make? A full time pediatrician’s salary ranges from as low as $100,000 to as high as $160,00. An average of a full time pediatrician’s salary is $130,000.
What kind of education is needed to become a pediatrician? Typically a pediatrician needs 11 years of training: 4 years of collage 4 years of medical school 1 year of internship in pediatrics 2 years of pediatric residency
Qualifications of pediatrician. Premed education. Observation skills. Patients and gentle touch. Emotional strength. Communication skills. Team work.