Workshop on Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Development in SIDS Jeju, Republic of Korea, 7 July 2015 Integrated approach to ecosystem and SIDS reflected in recent processes Hiroko Morita-Lou UN DESA/DSD/SIDS Unit
Ecosystem in the Samoa Pathway: “Conserve by 2020 at least 10 % of coastal and marine areas of SIDS through..protected areas and area-based conservation measures…to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss”
Ecosystem issues in Samoa Pathway Protection of Biodiversity Building Resilience against Invasive Species Conservation, Sustainable use/management of highly migratory fish stocks Protection of Coral reefs and other vulnerable marine ecosystems
Key ecosystem actions suggested in the Samoa Pathway Scientific research and technical capacity-building Integration of SIDS scientists into regional/int’l research teams Measures to enhance ecosystem resilience Strategic multi-sectoral partnerships Access to financial and tech. resources
Marine Protected Area in SIDS Kiribati: largest MPA globally – 408,408 km 2. Dominican Republic: 24,588 km 2. Vanuatu: 14,591 km 2 Fiji – 11,924 km 2 Tonga – 10,055 km 2 Cuba – 9,345 km 2 Guinea-Bissau– 9,021 km 2 Palau – 4,274 km 2 Comoros – 3,808 km 2
MarchAprilMayJuneJulySept Post-2015 process Post 2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations (goals and targets, follow-up review on MoI) June HLPF on SD 26 June – 8 July Third International conference on FfD, Addis Ababa, July Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations July Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations July UN Summit to adopt the Post 2015 Agenda September Post-2015 intergovernmental Negotiations (focus on indicators & targets) March Post 2015 Intergovernmental negotiations (focus on MoI & partnerships) April Post 2015 Intergovernmental negotiations May
Stand-alone SDG on Oceans 7 Targets under Goal Reduce marine pollution 2. Protect marine and coastal ecosystems 3. Reduce ocean acidification 4. Regulate harvesting, overfishing, IUU and restore fish stocks 5. Conserve 10% of coastal and marine areas 6. Prohibit fisheries subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing 7. Increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources
Biodiversity as cross-cutting SDG 9 Targets under Goal Freshwater ecosystems 2. Sustainable management of forests 3. Combat desertification 4. Mountain ecosystems 5. Reduce degradation of natural habitats 6. Benefits from use of genetic resources 7. Trafficking of protected species 8. Invasive alien species 9. Biodiversity reflected in planning
Ecosystem in FfD Public, private, domestic and international investments…to protect our ecosystems Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems Commit to protect, and restore, the health, productivity and resilience of oceans and marine ecosystems to deliver on all three dimensions of sustainable development.
Emerging Ecosystem Issues for SIDS - from UNEP Foresight process Threat of Invasive Alien Species Overfishing and Potential Collapse of Inshore Marine Ecosystems Beach erosion and sediments due to climate change and mining Decline of Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Functions Affecting Food and Livelihood Strategies Loss of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests
UNEP Foresight criteria for “emerging issues” Indicative criteria Illustrative issue Global significance - is critical to achieving sustainable development in many parts of the world Climate change Affects one or more of the dimensions of sustainable development Disaster risk reduction Evidence-based, including scientific and traditional sources of knowledge Biotechnology, GMOs Newness - the result of new knowledgeOcean acidification
Oceans, seas, marine resources and human well-being nexus (Integrated approach needed: inter-linkages and threats)
Partnerships on Ecosystems There are 93 partnerships announced in Samoa related to Biodiversity, Oceans, Seas, Coastal Management and Biodiversity Illustrative examples include: GLISPA – The Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) The Caribbean Challenges Initiative The Coral Triangle Initiative SIDS Action Platform - SIDS Partnership Platform
Monitoring Mechanisms High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) – SIDS Session Contribution to agenda- setting Platform for science-policy dialogue Highlight trends: policy- relevant analysis
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