Waupaca County EYC Environmental Youth Connections Connie Abert, UW-Extension Initiated 2008 University of Wisconsin, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Wisconsin counties cooperating. UW-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming including Title IX and ADA.
Project Summary /Abstract The Environmental Youth Connections (EYC) project will provide a direct connection between environmental learning experiences for Waupaca County residents (youth and adults) to local parks, trails and natural resource areas (wcptnra).
Needs addressed through EYC The UW-SP graduate study research the following needs were identified: ◦ 88% of teachers indicted a need for more in-service/training and curriculum; ◦ 63% of teachers indicated a desire to increase outdoor use; ◦ 77% of teachers would like to greater utilize community/school environmental properties; ◦ 79% of teachers need environmental education equipment. The UWEX survey reinforced the previous information, plus teachers identified: ◦ 66% would be interested in participating in an EYC workshop (learning and service to areas) In Fall 2007 UWEX invited public stakeholders countywide and they identified a need: ◦ to serve more youth and citizens in natural resource areas they oversee; ◦ to have access to more resources and a volunteer naturalists; ◦ to have outdoor training for staff and volunteers to develop appropriate lesson; ◦ to find financial support for more outreach with volunteers and conservation groups.
Significance of These Needs The significance of these issues not being addressed has health, economic, educational, and environmental impacts ◦ Economics- one of the main economic drivers ◦ Educational- taken away from hands on learning ◦ Environmental- necessary to have professional resources available ◦ Health- recent research on obesity
Population to be served Youth of school age (primarily) Paid staff and volunteers ◦ will assist in reaching youth Geographic Area to be served Youth & Adults of Waupaca County Parks & Natural areas w/ Waupaca County
Reaching these populations Reach youth through staff and volunteers Reach staff and volunteers ◦ School administration buy in for staff dev time ◦ Classrooms using youth as teachers ◦ Natural resource professional buyin ◦ Conservation group volunteers ◦ Community network
Involvement in design/implementation Teacher surveys Teacher designed lesson plans, kits, maps Natural resource stakeholders site utilization Financial contributions EYC Advisory Group
Expand/Compliment/Collaborate Expand on previous Land and Water program Collaborate with County Park and Hartman Creek State Park Compliment conservation groups, trail groups Build system for natural area network
EYC and mission of WC/UWEX Waupaca County ◦ Promotes WC natural resource areas ◦ Promotes stewardship of WC areas UW-Extension ◦ Addresses local needs ◦ Innovative approach ◦ University resources to residents ◦ High standard and Quality programming ◦ Educational network and partnerships
Community Support & Capacity Past accomplishments ◦ Environmental Education Initiative ◦ Explore and Discover ◦ Land Use Planning Curriculum ◦ Financial support ◦ Resources created Capacity to accomplish EYC ◦ School support ◦ Parks and natural resource professionals ◦ Volunteer base ◦ Advisory board
Project Outcomes Increased awareness of natural areas Increased knowledge of ee topics Increased resources available Increased resource utilization from training Long term ◦ Increased stewardship/ownership of areas ◦ Increased support for EYC system
EYC benefits Youth outcomes Staff and volunteer efficiencies ◦ Targeted best practice for ee Natural Resource capacity to support ee ◦ Paid staff and increased trained volunteers ◦ Park educational resources available System to support ee connections to local natural resource areas ◦ Access ◦ Advisory board
Program implementation/timeline Inventory Promote involvement Creating resources (lessons, kits, maps) Access (web, libraries, parks, schools) Training Evaluation Advisory oversight Advisory sustainability (repeat)
Staff and Volunteers Connie Abert-project oversight, training & evaluation ◦ Task performed on other grants ◦ Parallel to UWEX & Waupaca County mission Kristi Jackson, consultant-EYC coordinator develop resources, training, communication ◦ Previous work with Land & Water-EE Initiative ◦ RR Trail/Tree Advisory Board Staff and volunteers-create and implement resources ◦ Natural resource background for resources ◦ Natural resource site specialty
Evaluation EYC event evaluation by youth (survey) ◦ Increase of awareness and knowledge ◦ Increase stewardship & ownership (long term survey) EYC event evaluation by staff and volunteers (survey) ◦ Increase capacity to teach ◦ Ease in utilization of resources & sites EYC system &Advisory Board evaluation ◦ Easy access to resources and use at sites (survey and website evaluation) ◦ Increased support for EYC purpose to promote ee connection to natural areas (focus groups/surveys)
Evaluation Results Will be disseminated to individuals and partners in school, communities, business and conservation groups Will be used for future promotion Will be used for process improvement and secured funding Will be used as a guide for best practice in environmental education
EYC Current & Future Funding Current ◦ Conservation Groups (cg) Whitetails and Pheasants Forever ◦ ATC grant ◦ Inkind – school, community, cg, business Future ◦ ATC grant ◦ WEEB 1000, 5000, forest ◦ Community Foundation ◦ Conservation groups ◦ Service groups ◦ Inkind - school, community, cg, business