Me llamo Sr. Chatlak Soy su profesor de español Yo asistí a Canon McMillan High School Yo asistí a la Universidad de Pittsburgh Yo asistí a la Universidad de Salamanca He sido un pofesor en Chartiers Valley por 11 años
Asistí a la Universidad de Pittsburgh desde 1999 –2005 Estudié español y educación
Yo asistí a la Universidad de Salamanca en España desde Yo estudié español, historia, música, arte, y todos los aspetos de la cultura hispana
Tengo 34 años Mi cumpleaños es el 13 de diciembre 1980 Mi esposa se llama María y ella es de Colombia
Me gusta viajar Me gusta hablar español Me gusta escuchar música Me gustan los Transformers
Rotation (6 th and 7 th Grade Only) Binders (Do-Now Dictionary) Homework Projects Tests/Quizzes Absences Art Table and Dictionaries Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Practices Website and
6 th and 7 th Grade students will have Spanish class either on Days 1, 2, 3 or Days 4, 5, 6. Students are responsible to have all work assigned on a Day 3 or 6 competed for the following Days 1 or 4 respectively. If a student is absent on a Day 3 or 6 they are to come to me, or check my website, to find out what assignment/project rubric/study guide they may need.
Students are to keep a Spanish Binder which will act partially as a Spanish Textbook Keep loose leaf paper in your binder Keep all handouts in your binder (Do not throw them away!) Keep all study guides in your binder (Do not throw them away!) Keep up with your Do-Now Dictionary every day and if you are absent get their word of the day from a classmate I will periodically be checking binders and Do-Now Dictionaries for accuracy and completeness.
Homework is always due on the posted due date If absent is YOUR responsibility to get the missed assignment If you do not understand the homework try it anyway (something is better than nothing!) Homework will be graded on a 3 point scale 3 points for a complete assignment. 2 points for a messy or mostly complete assignment. 1 point for a barely completed assignment. 0 points for a totally blank or forgotten assignment. NO LATE HOMEWORKS ACCEPTED (unless absent)
All projects are assigned with a scoring rubric Projects MAY be turned in late with the following deduction from your grade: 1 Day late -10%. 2 Days late -20%. Projects that have not been turned in by the end of the 2 nd late day will be given a 0%.
All Tests and Quizzes are given a study guide prior to the actual Test or Quiz The Study Guides tell you EVERYTHING that is going to be on the test/quiz and are a great tool to help prepare If you lose your study guide you can find a copy of one on my website
If you are absent you are responsible to find out your missed work You can either ask me about the missed work or check my website You receive one extra day to finish any MISSED homework and any projects that were due on the day you were absent will not be marked late Projects or homework that are due on the day that you were absent are due immediately upon your return
KEEP THE ART TABLE CLEAN Return the items as you found them Treat the dictionaries with EXTRA care because they are BRAND NEW Ask me before you use or borrow anything from the art table
Raise your hand to ask a question, answer a question, or make a comment Arrive on time Bring necessary materials every day(Pencil/Binder/Etc.) ALWAYS take a hall pass. If the hall pass is not there wait your turn (unless it is an emergency) ALWAYS sign out when you take a pass (unless its an emergency) Sit in your assigned seat at all times unless instructed otherwise
On my website you can find many important things Weekly class schedule Weekly homework assignments Downloadable/Printable versions of handouts, rubrics, study guides, and other materials. Free online dictionary and other valuable Spanish help and resources Website: Visit and look for “teacher webpages”. =