Photo Shop Before and After Enhancements Add/Remove Content Black & White Effects Free Choice
A DD /R EMOVE C ONTENT Original Enhanced
Add/Remove: Enhancements Lasso Luca –remove from original background Move to New Canvas Insert beach photo Move beach layer to back Apply inner shadow to Luca’s layer Remove original ball and blur Luca’s paws Lasso ball from original image and place on new canvas Apply inner glow to ball Blur edges of new ball and make it slightly larger than original ball Black & White
Black & White: Enhancements Lasso: me and fish from original photo Move lasso image to new canvas Original image: inverse lasso background Move background to new canvas in new layer Make new background B&W; layer format: inner glow, change opacity Lasso dunes; move to new canvas Transform dunes to cover B&W dunes New Layer: select ocean, color it blue Change opacity of ocean layer so waves are visible New layer: lasso right section of sky, color it blue Change opacity of sky layer so clouds are visible Free Choice
Original Enhanced
Enhancements First I changed the color of the river to a light blue Then I used “New Adjustment Layers to make different sections of the photo B&W I left a few areas untouched to create contrast between the color and B&W I then layered a gold texture on top of the photo and lowered the opacity to create the collage effect used in the Banner Project Once this was finished I went back and hid a few B&W areas, adding more contrast and making the photo “pop” more Back to Menu