NORTEAMÉRICA, AMÉRICA CENTRAL, Y EL CARIBE Sarah Malysz EDU 5240 QR Code Project Source of Pictures: Schoolboys Photograph. Collection of CultureGrams. ProQuest, Web. 7 Jun Volcanoes Photograph. Collection of CultureGrams. ProQuest, Web. 7 Jun 2015.
LESSON OVERVIEW Topic: Spanish-Speaking Countries of North and Central America and the Caribbean Grade Level and Content Area: 8-12 Spanish Learning Objective: Given iPads (or other devices) with QR scanners, QR codes linking to cultural information, and a map with cultural clues, the student will identify Spanish-speaking countries and their capitals in North and Central America and the Caribbean and label the appropriate countries/capitals on his/her map. Standards: Michigan World Language Standards 2.2.N.G.a Identify countries, their capital and major cities in which the language is spoken National Technology (ISTE-NETS.S) Standards 5.bExhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity
TEACHER SET-UP Print QR codes (slides #8-17) and post around the room in 10 stations Ensure that iPads (or other devices) have a QR scanner app downloaded Print enough Student Worksheets (Map of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean) for each student to have their own copy Print grading rubrics for each student (found in lesson plan) To save paper, rubrics can be printed on the back of the map worksheet Display student instructions included in this PowerPoint Slides #2-3 can be hidden so that this PowerPoint can be shown to students without teacher instructions
INTRODUCTION How well do you know the Spanish-speaking world? For each region in the chart on your warm-up, list as many Spanish-speaking countries as you can think of (include the capital if you know it) Volunteers can write their ideas in the chart on the board At the end of today’s activity, we will check our answers (right answers will receive candy) North AmericaCentral AmericaThe Caribbean
INSTRUCTIONS Task: Label your map of Spanish-speaking countries in North America, Central America and the Caribbean using the clues provided on your map and in the QR codes 1. In groups of 3-4, go to each of the 10 stations set up around the room Your group will be assigned to a station (not everyone will begin at Station 1) 2. Using an iPad and QR scanner, scan the QR code at the station to learn the name of the country, its capital city, and to see a cultural picture or video from that country Take turns using the iPad- everyone in the group should use the iPad at least 2-3 times There may be additional links that you can visit to gain more information 3. Based on what you see, find the corresponding fact on your map worksheet and record the correct country name and capital on the lines provided Work together to find the corresponding cultural fact on the map Everyone fills out their own map 4. Rotate to the next station when the teacher tells you to
CONCLUSION Return your iPad to the teacher and go back to your seats How well did you know the Spanish-speaking world? Check your map versus the chart on your warm-up and the board If you volunteered to add a country onto the chart on the board and it is right, you can get a candy for each correct answer Which fact do you think is the most interesting? If you would like to see the pictures and videos again or explore the additional websites, you can find them at this website: Color your maps by region Norteamérica: México América Central: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá El Caribe: La República Dominicana, Cuba, Puerto Rico Listen to this song to help you remember the countries and capitals of North and Central America and the Caribbeansong We will refer to these countries throughout the year in projects and skits Turn in your completed Map Worksheet for 10 points (see grading rubric) The graded map will be returned and should be filed in your binder under “Cultura” for future reference
EVALUATION RUBRIC Standard Michigan World Language Standards 2.2.N.G.a Identify countries, capitals and major cities in which the language is spoken All 10 countries and capitals have been correctly labeled in Spanish, including correct spelling and punctuation 8-9 countries and capitals have been correctly labeled in Spanish, including correct spelling and punctuation 6-7 countries and capitals have been correctly labeled in Spanish, including correct spelling and punctuation 4-5 countries and capitals have been correctly labeled in Spanish, including correct spelling and punctuation 1-3 countries and capitals have been correctly labeled in Spanish, including correct spelling and punctuation No attempt National Technology Standards (ISTE- NETS.S) 5.b Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity Student cooperated with peers, shared the iPad (each student in the group used the iPad at least 2-3 times), treated the iPad with care, and used time wisely (completed the activity within the set time frame) Student cooperated with peers, usually shared the iPad (student may have used the iPad up to 5 times), treated the iPad with care, and was rarely off-task (completed activity within set time frame) Student usually cooperated with peers, attempted to share the iPad (student may have used the iPad up to 6 times), treated the iPad with care, and was sometimes off-task but completed the activity within the set time frame Student seldom cooperated with peers, seldom shared the iPad (student used the iPad 7 or more times), had to be reminded to be careful with the iPad, and was frequently off- task Student rarely cooperated with peers, rarely shared the iPad (student used the iPad 8 or more times or refused to take a turn), was careless with the iPad, and was off-task the majority of the time and/or struggled to complete the activity within the set time frame Student did not cooperate with peers, did not share the iPad or refused to take a turn, did not treat the iPad with care, and did not use time wisely and/or did not complete the activity within the set time frame