The Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln changes the goal of the Civil War
Definitions… Emancipation – to be set free… (in American History, it always refers to setting slaves free) Proclamation – an order written by a government official
Why did AL issue the EP? By the summer of 1862, the USA was “losing” the war…most of the bigger battles had been CSA victories Northerners were questioning the value of fighting with the South
Why did AL issue the EP? Abolitionists were angry that the war was only about “preserving the Union” AL was persuaded by F. Douglass and others that slavery needed to end
Why did AL issue the EP? It appeared that Britain and France were ready to “recognize” the CSA as an independent country, and send military aid to the South
AL’s Political Problem… When should the EP be made? Proclaiming emancipation after a major military defeat would look like the North was desperate AL wanted to announce the EP after a USA battle victory
Lincoln’s Problem Solved… Lee invaded the North in Sep 1862…trying to take the war into the North and to collect food and supplies for the “rebel” army The Union army moved to intercept Lee and defend Washington, DC
Lincoln’s Prayers Answered The armies met near Sharpsburg, MD on Antietam Creek The Battle of Antietam lasted two days… Lee and his CSA Army retreated back to Virginia… Therefore it was a Union “victory” On 22 Sep, AL announced he would issue the EP on 1 Jan 1863
Terms of the EP… 1. "All persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state… in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thence forward and forever free..."
Terms of the EP… 2. “the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities will maintain the freedom of said persons..."
Terms of the EP… 3. "I further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States..."
Effects of the EP… Slave owners in the South ignored the Proclamation Slaves in the South hoped to be set free but were not
Effects of the EP… Slave owners in the Border States (KY, MO, MD, DE) got worried Slaves in the Border States hoped to be set free but were not
Effects of the EP… Free black people in the North were overjoyed Abolitionists in the North were overjoyed Many whites in the North were angry
Effects of the EP… Britain and France immediately backed away from recognizing the South as they already had laws prohibiting slavery
The Bottom Line… Question…How many slaves went free because of the Emancipation Proclamation? Answer…
The Bottom Line… Question…What really set slaves free? Answer… the US Army as it marched through the South… and… the 13 th Amendment to the Constitution passed in 1865 by Congress…after the war was over
The Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln changes the goal of the Civil War