TRUMPET The trumpet is an instrument in the brass family that is capable of playing the highest notes of all the brass instruments. It is also one of the oldest instruments around, with origins dating back to at least 1500 B.C. It has been made of many different materials like bone and wood.
TRUMPET Traditional trumpets were coiled pieces of brass with a mouthpiece on one end and a wider mouth on the other. Since then, the instrument has changed its looks, but the main evolution is the addition of valves to control sound and air flow.
TRUMPET The most famous trumpet players have all been tied to jazz music. Some of these include Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie. The trumpet remains a popular instrument, especially in marching bands, jazz ensembles, mariachi bands, and larger orchestras.
HORN A French Horn, also called an F-Horn or just Horn, is a brass instrument played in orchestras, bands, and ensembles. The modern Horn is derived from the hunting horn of the 1650’s. Early horns did not have the valves and changeable tubing of modern Horns.
HORN Unlike most other valve brass instruments, which use piston valves, the horn uses rotary valves. Piston valves are of French origin. The earlier horns used pistons, but then changed to rotary valves, of German origin, to save space.
HORN The most common types of Horn are the single horn, which is generally used by beginners, and the double horn. The double horn is actually two horns combined--the single F horn plus additional tubing and a fourth valve to create the double horn.